Harris4crna - included in the price of anything you buy is an amount to cover the warranty. In your case, that money went to a dealer in Italy and on to Sonus Faber in Italy. Sumiko did not see any of that money. For them to do the warranty work for yor speakers they should get paid by Sonus Faber corporate to do it. My guess is they do not and that is why they do do warranty work for speakers purchased outside the US. It is actually a pretty common practice. Try buying a car in Canada and getting warranty work done in the US. Same situation. Also, warranty laws differ country to country, which further complicates matters. I agree it would be nice if all warranties were worldwide and transferable but most companies do not do that.
I recently bought an integrated amp for use in Switzerland. I purchased it in Switzerland for this very reason.
I recently bought an integrated amp for use in Switzerland. I purchased it in Switzerland for this very reason.