Do NOS Mullard EL34 tubes last much longer than NOS SED (Svetlana) EL34 ?

Well, Mullards are $450 each and SED are $120 each. I need four of them for VAC Avatar SE. For now I got a set of SEDs but for the next set..? Bloody expensive. I really like Mullard long plates 12AX7 for line amp.

Maybe it's not worth it, anyway, maybe I wouldn't hear much of a difference.


Showing 1 response by ghasley



The Rega ISIS uses 12au7’s, not el34’s. Additionally, Mullard 12au7’s are among the most robust and finest sounding 12au7’s ever made in the right circuit.


While NOS Mullards are exceptional, all tubes are capable of failure at some point in their life. Unfortunately, you must have found one. From what source did you purchase them?