Do NOS Mullard EL34 tubes last much longer than NOS SED (Svetlana) EL34 ?

Well, Mullards are $450 each and SED are $120 each. I need four of them for VAC Avatar SE. For now I got a set of SEDs but for the next set..? Bloody expensive. I really like Mullard long plates 12AX7 for line amp.

Maybe it's not worth it, anyway, maybe I wouldn't hear much of a difference.


Showing 1 response by elliottbnewcombjr

forget life, either should last a long long time.

which sounds best to you? do you want to listen to the less preferred sound for a long long long time?

You could buy from a source that lets you return them, try the least expensive compared to your existing.

sound great, keep em. if not as good as your existing, return, get .......