Do I need better center ch speaker-dialog unclear?

I currently have a PSB Image Series C9 center channel. I had though this was a decent enough speaker, but have grown increasingly frustrated. For example, today I was watching the new release of Chariots of Fire that has the DD 5.1 track. Maybe it is just the big echo-y ancient rooms they shot the film in, or maybe it wasn't miked well, but I cannot discern much of the dialog. There are many other movies I have had the same problem with.

Not being satisfied with the intelligibility of dialog in movies, I recently upgraded to a seperate 5-channel power amp, using my Sony DA4ES receiver as pre-amp. I do not use any soundfields or such, just straight DD or DTS. This helped the clarity vere minimally.

This not having helped all that much, I next upgraded the speaker cable to one of Paul Speltz' Anti-cables, which have received great reviews. This, again, may have helped just a tad, but I am still having the same problem with dialog.

I am now down to the point of nothing left, that I know of, other than to consider upgrading the center speaker.

So, does anybody have any other tips short of a new speaker?

If not, can anyone reccommend a significantly better center speaker that would integate at least decently with my Legacy Signature III front mains? I can't now afford to go with one of Legacy's centers.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Showing 2 responses by mnnc

Make sure the spkr distances are set correctly and then do a channel balance on all spkrs using recvr test tone and spl meter (radio shack). Easiest way to set levels is to set channel levels to lowest setting (say -10 when range is -10 to +10), turn master volume to -10 and play test tone. Bring up channel levels until spl meter reads about 75db. This is 10 db below reference setting so you won't hurt your ears or your tweeters. Do this for all channels. Now that all spkrs/channels are in balance when watching a movie you can tell at a glace what your volume is in relation to Dolby reference level. Ex: -10 on volume during Iron Man will be 10db below reference of 105db which should be yielding approx a 95db output during movie which is quite loud. I listen at about -20 through -15 or so. Making sure the channels/spkrs are balanced is crucial. The distance is important so that the soudntrack data is delivered at the correct time to your ear thus the distance settings. If it still sounds crappy try a newer blockbuster type film...Transformers, Lord of Rings, Master and Commander etc.
The way I understand bass management is that either the xover in the pre or at the sub will determine what goes to/played by the sub. Does your sub have xover on/off or a disable/enable...? Set to disable/off and this lets the preamp/recvr do the crossing over. Do you have ability to set diff xover points for each spkr or is it a specific xover freq that applies to all the spkrs? If you can set individual points set to just above the spkrs lower limit and all spkrs to small. Otherwise most suggest setting xover to match the spkr/s with the highest...low end capability which is usually the surrounds. My center and surrounds freq response are rated at 65 and 55hz respectively. My xover oint via prepro is set at 60 which applies to all the speakers even though my mains (biamped nht classic 4's) are more than capable of playing solid/tight down in the 30's or better with the side firing 10 inchers being biamped. Nonetheless, basically everything at about 60hz and below is sent to sub with this setup. Spkrs are all set to small. How loud do you turn it up with everything balanced as you say it is? -15...-10db...? My buddy has a single really big Klipsch Belle that would kick things up a notch :}