Do I need a power cable - if so what brand?

I am a newbie to high end audio and need some help in optimizing my setup. I have Yamaha V1800 bi-amped to B&W 683 and bi-wired to B&W center. Yamaha amp and other audio componets are connected via Monster HTS 3600 power center. I am using Xindak FS-1 for fronts and Monster Z2 ref for center. 95% of my usage is for music.

Based on the above setup, should I replace:
1. Wall to Monster 3600 power cable?.
2. Monster 3600 to Yamaha receiver?.

Which of the above will give better sound performance (if at all) and if it does, what power cable should I consider?.

Showing 1 response by facten

Take a look at Audio Art Cable power cords - only one that made a noticable difference in my system at a reasonable price