Do I need a new DAC/streamer. Considering?

Okay okay Okay
I have a awesome sounding system that I enjoy.
Mcintosh C53
Mcintosh  601’s
M/L speakers. 15A’s
Tributaries cable

Yes, my c53 has the new DAC module

This discussion is about streamers only

My current DAC is a Bluesound (which I bypass the DAC in the node and use the DAC in the C53. And use the Node as a Streamer only)

But can’t help but wonder what if I exchanged out my DAC to an Lumin or Aurelic (spelling).......

opinions please. Worth it?

Showing 5 responses by preslisa64

Thanks, are you suggesting I just purchase a Lumin or Auralic with streaming capabilities only. Do you think that I would make  a difference. I thought it always had to be a combo streamers/DAC
I would rather not duplicate DAC’s. The DAC in the C53 is upgradable when necessary is the reason why I bought it. 

i know the Node is not in the same league as the rest of my equipment. Even though it’s pretty good  

Again, it’s hard, for some reason, for me to think that Just a streamer, without the DAC,  can make a significant difference in sound.   As you are aware, I have a few dollars tied up in my system.
 However, the diminishing return theory plays a part in my decision

Hey, I probably read it wrong. “ more sonic improvements from your streamer”. I know we’re all busy, but Would love to here more about that if possible. 

Not sure were your going with your comments  but let me take a stab at what your comments represents.  Correct me if I’m wrong

The reason why I “proselytize” so much is because I’m not the expert. If I was an expert, I would not need to post here. From all my experience in everything, including stereo equipment, what I have found to be true is that there is always, always someone that can improve your  knowledge or thought process on any given subject. If I paid $250 or $50,000 on a system I always look for improvement. Therefore, consulting the”real” experts on this forum, Gives me a different outlook, if any in the subject. If if wasn’t for guys like me and others,  there would not be a forumDon’t  you agree that this is what this forum is for?