Do I go vintage or newer?

I'm considering getting back into vinyl. My budget is up to $1,000 for TT and arm, used. I've been looking at the Music hall MMF-7, Rega P5 and couple others. My local hi-end shop has a few Sotas from the 90's that they will refurb and sell to me cheap as long as I buy cartridge from them. My question is which is the better way to go, "vintage" Sota or newer model. Most of my listening will still be CD, but I do have around 200 or so LPs just dying to be heard again.

Showing 1 response by kurt_tank

Sota makes pretty good tables, depending on model of course. I don't see any reason not to go with one actually, if you can get a good price on it.

My initial thought is to go with the vintage Sota and buy the cartridge from them. This is based on the assumption that the dealer will:
1. Give you a warranty on the Sota table and tone arm.
2. Will set up the cartridge on the table for you.

Not having to worry about setting up a cartridge is great, since you probably don't have the proper tools to do so yourself. (i.e. a VTF guage, Alignment protractor, etc.)
This will save you a bunch of worries, not to mention money by having them do it. (And buying a used cartridge to save money can be somewhat nerveracking.)

Also, don't forget the cleaning supplies, such as a RCM (even a cheap Nitty Gritty or Record Doctor or a DIY KAB will work just fine), cleaning fluid (RRL seems to be the cleaning fluid of choice lately - I recommend it as no rinsing is needed), brushes (I like the Disk Doctor brushes, but some people like the MFSL as they're bigger), and stylus cleaners (I still like the old method of using something like RRL #9 and a stylus brush, but a lot of people like the magic eraser or the zerodust). All of this will cost a couple of hundred dollars, assuming you buy the NG used (or do a DIY KAB unit). Remember that when listening to vinyl, cleanliness is vital, both for your vinyl and your stylus.

One more thing, don't cheap out on the phono preamp. As your phono preamp gets better, the better you'll enjoy the music. (I also recommend getting a tubed unit if you can afford one.)

Good Luck!