Do good power cords have to be stiff?

As far as I am concerned, stiff power cables are a pain in the butt. Wonder if anyone has found a great power cable that is very flexible?


Showing 3 responses by jjss49

most are but some aren’t

i use some excellent homebrew braided 3 conductor pc's that are uber flexible by a friend in the midwest - pm me if you are interested


i agree

zu’s are very nice cords and very flexible

i’m not crazy about sean casey’s speakers, but his cables are excellent, i have a lot of them, great value and performance

I’ve also read from a few manufacturers that if your power cords seem too stiff, it might be that your equipment is too close to the wall, and there are lots of nasties in wall you don’t want too close to your gear...

this one made me chuckle

i think that if a power cord seems stiff, it is simply because it is...