Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?

Mechanical grounding or isolation from vibration has been a hot topic as of late.  Many know from experience that footers, stands and other vibration technologies impact things that vibrate a lot like speakers, subs or even listening rooms (my recent experience with an "Energy room").  The question is does it have merit when it comes to electronics and if so why?  Are there plausible explanations for their effect on electronics or suggested measurement paradigms to document such an effect?

Showing 50 responses by theaudiotweak

If the shear velocity is to high it will burn the hair on your ears. We have tested many. Brass is the metal of music.Tom

Definite there are 2 schools of thought. Like opposing magnetic fields. One though has a unified direction. Tom
Have you ever noticed the speed at which we are rotating thru space 465 meters per second? You will notice the speed change when it suddenly stops. We as humans have adjusted to that speed over millions of years just as we have to the background noise level the Earth makes some 50 db below the ambient noise level of your living environment. If you notice your chandelier in motion (well it's really your house that's moving) then you may want to step outside and have a drink or a smoke or even a panic attack...because you may then be in the midst of a earthquake.
Other than those extremes sudden stops and an actual Earthquake humans have adjusted to these ambient sensory levels of information over millions of years. Tom
The speed and wobble are relative as is the ambient noise level of the Earth. Tom


Shear waves do not travel thru the air so they cannot be a part of your acoustic waves.. Shear waves are part of how a speaker operates as well  as that of a vinyl record and the stylus that tracks that record. Removing or reducing a polarity of  shear will increase the operating efficiency of a device and in the case of audio make for better sound. Tom. Starsound Technologies
Unless the device is properly grounded it will suffer from shear wave interference and the resulting inefficiencies..even if it floats in air. Tom
Thanks Geoff,

There are a couple more besides me.
It's always been there.

Tom .
Star Sound Technologies

Shear waves have a polarity that travel at 2 different speeds.each .slower than the primary wave. Also travel in 2 different directions. Tom Star Sound Technologies.
She has written a response to the townsend merry go round that kills all polarties of shear including the one you want to keep and use. Removes some amplitudes of frequency. Back to the beach. Tom.. Star Sound Technologies

Lot of factors that predict the speed and direction of shear waves and how they travel. Not spelled out in your over the counter cook books.Tom
Seismic waves are just backround noise no different than traveling in a car at high speed or flying in a jet its all relative.Human nature has adjusted.  The methods you use actually generate more inertia for a speaker voice coil to overcome. Resulting in a loss of information. We will respond in long and detailed order soon.. Tom. Star Sound Technologies. I am having a beautiful day at the ocean. Thanks . Tom Star Sound Technologies
An even greater enhancement would be the addition of our brass coupling discs under the Audiopoints. The fact that both the point and the disc are of the same material means they both have the same shear velocity and that the disc effectively makes for a much more efficient impedance match of materials. Hope this description helps. Tom

Send me 2 of your platforms for evaluation. I will remove the glass beads of 1 or you could send one empty and refill with our Micro Bearing steel and then direct couple the base with Audiopoints. Then we can do a direct ab comparison using the same cd player. We could just move the player from one base to the other. Same cd same volume level set on the preamp. We could make a skirt to hide the bottom of both platforms so the audience couldnt see the difference. Use our ears and a calibrated mic and spectrum software to validate the process. Sould be very informative. Tom
Every material and every part that I use in my system except for those that use a type of adhesive is cryo'd..well and the laser pickup. Some of these parts have been treated 5 times. Cryo treatment makes the material stress free and more directional which enhances signal flow especially to mechanical ground. I experencied these benefits first in real acoustic instruments using brass, steel and tungsten cobalt. Tom

I thought you knew that the refractive polarity angle steered away from the component was determined by the shear velocity of the material. Tom
How can interfering energy from within escape your bandpass filters ?  Is the filter decay time faster in one direction than the other? Tom. 
The fact that the the isolators damp the cabinet from above also means they damp the the voice coils.. Think what that means in terms of energy projected or energy lost. Tom
These products damp all motion..they damp the cabinet motion and they also damp the motion of the voice coil which is attached to the spider and cone and basket which is attached to the baffle. Tom
Even if it floats it will still suffer from shear wave interference. It needs to be rigidly coupled to remove and dissipate the polarity of shear that becomes a part of the signal. Tom. Star Sound Technologies
Nope..I do not and will not follow you!

The Ligo system maybe designed to destroy all polarities of shear and maybe it works well at that function to extract and detect gravity waves. 

Polarties of shear..are a part of the mechanical function of speakers and other reproduced audio signal ..signals that will be reduced in amplitude by your methods and others you tout. Key negative words to descibe your methods..Canellation and forces to overcome the Interia your methods present to any thing that has a chance of motion for reproducing a copy of the original signal. Think of a voice coil..think of stylus motion. They have to overcome the body of resistance and counter action your wares present to any responsive and linear motion. Tom

Solids in a vacuum will transmit shear from part to part. Maybe your LIGO model and reference has system parts that kill or cancel all polarities of shear. Some polarities of shear are required for audio reproduction others are not. Tom. Star Sound.

When energy is applied to soft spongy materials that are used in combinations with springs supporting a loudspeaker, everything supported remains in a state of continuous motion. By doing so, this negates the operational efficiency of a voice coil as the coil itself becomes subjected to this secondary flexing. Ultimately, the voice coil drives the entire speaker assembly and has to overcome the added inertia presented by the motion of the springs and soft materials upon which the cabinet rests. The constant motion and flexing with this type of isolation device manifests inefficiencies within the operational design of the voice coil. Tom. Star Sound Technologies

Your saying your springs do not rotate or twist on their vertical axis, more so when they are longer? Your saying your springs don't have a variable rate of rise and decay time in relation to the amount of force applied? If they do then they are in motion .Your saying your springs are immune to the  rotational forces of some wave types? The soft spongy materials are only iceing on the layered cake ..the spring being as stable as a layer cake. Anything resting on either of these two transient surfaces will be in motion. Tom Star Sound

The response is coming soon and what you have exercised for 20 years or more has nothing to do with how LIGO operates as it does not relate to your audio products.. In your instance, it is not a single case of suspended animation..Tom
I have and I strongly suggest to mechanically direct couple all internal major parts of an audio component. Nothing is decoupled in my power amps. These parts include transformers and any all  filter caps that are chassis mounted. I have direct coupled the 4lb copper heat sink that stands vertically and has attached the 2 power mosfets which is then bolted to the bottom plate of the chassis. The main circuit assembly is mounted to our Sound Works platform and tensioned thru the board and out thru the chassis frame below and secured.. All of these parts reside on Audio Points and our coupling discs and must be secured and clamped into place for maximum audio performance and safety concerns. I had cut and drilled brass cylinders that mount near the non existent  corners to which the top and bottom plates are tensioned. The whole component is then mounted externally to one of our Sistrum or Rhythm Platforms with our points which face north to the 3 tensioned internal connecting rods.. This was certainly an exercise of will but the payoff is high... and wall to wall tall, with resolution that extends past my listening chair. The endeavor was to make all the internal vibration go in one primary ground. To do this, like geometry and materials are required to maintain speed and operational efficiency. Tom
Stasis:  a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium.
Something a spring can never achieve. Tom. Star Sound
Because they move they will generate polarities of shear one of which is interference.  Tom
Geoff you are offensive. You called me a monkey and dense.

As I stated a spring is never in a static state even when loaded. Your example of saying a spring is self leveling proves they can never reach the level of stasis. Springs will rotate when in motion as they have poor rotational rigidity. Tom
Geoff everything touches the Earth and is along for the ride. I know of only one operational device that doesn't and only Bill Gates can pay the cost of entry. Tom 

Like a displaced spring on a '58 Edsel your storyboard has sagged with age. 

Furthermore let go your LIGO as it has nothing to do with anything you make.

As you almost stated above..take a few days to think about it  and get back to us.


I agree. And to answer Dave as well..  Are we listening to a piece of music or the before and after affects of a pogo stick?  Plus it will work as a really good plug and not as a drain. Some energy has to be moved out from the source with speed and in an orderly fashion. If the internal interference lingers to long it will become a part of the original signal. Reminds me of so many others, one in particular...same concept slightly different materials. Tom

I see they work well for frequencies and amplitudes that can't come in the door. They will probably work just as well for not letting frequencies and amplitudes out that same  door. So what about all those resonances that are generated within a loudspeaker where do those go? They probably linger way to long . I bet there will be a loss of acoustic air from the smaller drivers and the resulting spectral change will give you the false impression of more in other similar devices. 

Good luck to you Dave.
A darker soundstage no doubt. Reduction in all polarities of shear  instead of just one will give a change in spectral balance. What do you hear? Tom

Will change amplitude of frequency just as your products do, as do the Townshend . Nothing new for sure just a nicer smaller package.

Should have clarfied the above with the additional words ..will reduce the amplitude of some frequencies of any device that rests on these "isolators"or others of the same type. Tom
I am not getting in your stuff all polarities of shear are being reduced and as a result information is being reduced in the device.Your methods put a full nelson choke hold on any device whether active or passive. Tom
Nows a good time.. we both maybe in the mood. Its not the video on YouTube we see projected but the audio we hope to hear. Only one way to find out..not the numbers but the tunes. Good listening. Tom
The noise coming down and out from any component or any speaker is greater than the background noise coming up from the Earth toward that same component. Of course the component needs to be resting on a device like our Audiopoints which funnell energy away from the resting device and to a higher mass below. Our point shapes accomplish this feat of nature much like a venturi which speeds air flow or a nozzle on a fire hose. The increase pressure exiting from the tip will resist any energy trying to enter the the tip end. Our Audiopoints are not a spike and operate with simplicity of design and function. Tom  Star Sound.
Wrong.. we will soon post a video. You have been wrong for more than 20 years.
You should get a medal to wear with a spring attached. Greater forces from above keeps the background noise out. Tom 
I guess I was wrong to state you were wrong for just 20 years when it was more than 41 years. Tom
Like his comments on another thread that mentions our new Platter Ground for records. He has no clue how it works yet makes comparisons to other platter devices when in fact it is totally new and unique . The Platter Ground is a 21st century version of the original Audio Point specfic for use on vinyl. Tom Star Sound.
We couldn'find a secure method to hold a spring in place (you know their always in a motion of their own) so we had to develop new technology. Thanks for confiming what methods not to use. Your 41 years of misuse wasn't required. Tom