Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?

Mechanical grounding or isolation from vibration has been a hot topic as of late.  Many know from experience that footers, stands and other vibration technologies impact things that vibrate a lot like speakers, subs or even listening rooms (my recent experience with an "Energy room").  The question is does it have merit when it comes to electronics and if so why?  Are there plausible explanations for their effect on electronics or suggested measurement paradigms to document such an effect?

Showing 22 responses by oleschool

I use Robert and Star Sound on every piece of my equipment tt,phono amps, power supply,conditioner,trans, dac ,spkrs, stand and subs.Works like a champ stand is filled with micro bearings ,the points are rock solid .let it vibrate ! jmho
I really enjoy this thread , among others with Geoff and Tom  . I actually look forward to checking them . : ) what i would enjoy seeing is your system Geoff . How come i can't  find a listing or pics anywhere or in virtual systems . I have read you are using a modded discman ?
Can you elaborate on your setup ..please without a cryptic comment ? i'm sure many are interested in your setup. How often does a teleportation tweek need to be reset or recharged ? 
Thanks 😬
I live in cali and smoke the best and my eyes are wobbling in my head .. because i am basically speechless  

No trolling here , as much as i try to wrap my mind around some of the principles, like dark matter treatments etc i find myself bewildered . Guess i needed more physics in college . I must admit my lego experience was with the blocks 😬
Dam music theory took most of my time along with being a musician for 35 yrs .

Riddle me this oz
when i have seen pics of some of your early platforms there was some serious gear on them .
have you decided that you have superceeded that type of gear and your early platform with a walkman and markers ? That is truly a serious question, because thats alot cheaper . I just feel unworthy 😔

Also in my limited 30yrs in the audiophile world my personal experience has shown good and bad when it comes to racks , i have found a proper designed platform or rack does improve sound . My two cent on the actual thread 🙏
And i've seen every star trek episode too.If only i could transport  spock here to explain all this  🖖
Yes randy i have fabbed many things like stands .I have been working on my own personal  stand for some time ,(it will be very heavy ,flex and be allowed to vibrate ) i have many projects rolling besides the audio thing ,and have little interest in opening yet another business, yes i have multiple business  geoff for fun i retired at 40 ✌️
  But i would dare not discuss that here ,only to be chastised by .... 

geoff , 
i have read countless remarks over numerous forums about your car stereo installation and countless people have called you a scam artist time and time again . Not me ! 
But you have convinced me thru your banter and stand up reputation., so with that i digress . 
Geoff Kaitt for president .!!! 

Randy i am using a process i call
"Cold fusion lamination" instead of actually tig welding the metals together i use the vulcan mind melt and literally fuse the metals together on the molecular level " reviews to follow .. 🙄
i among otherthings am an artist and metal fabricator and cert master welder . I have built many hotrods and motorcycles . I specilize in pre 60 stuff .. hence the nickname ole school ... i was referred to as old dude which was devastating. 💤
This is a hobby for most , i'm not an engineer or scientist. Put a spring under a transport try it , put a cone under the transport . Does it change the sound in my system good or bad ? Isn't that the goal here ? Or are we all arguing over theories of different companies ? Which will never end
the op agear asked " do they have an impact"?  In my experience Yes!  
Why is it that almost every thread Sheldon cooper  comments on becomes a debate . Science or not it is a constant theme.
Whats the common factor in these  battles ? 
Maybe VAC or Ayre need a consultant?  I'm going back to reading Hawkins book ,i guess i'm just a musician among other things with a simple degree . .
Geoff as you so beautifully tried to insult me earlier,if you knew me i doubt that would happen . But for some reason you portray yourself as a "guru" when i have not read one positive thing from anyone in any forum anywhere . What i have heard is you install car stereos and you have numerous complaints against you from your "customers" . I asked about your "springs" for under my subs , your response was along the lines of thats a good idea . Then proceeded to say you dont sell to the members here . Huh? I can say that during the night i did have a vision of a walkman placed on a cutting board with broken glass ,skully and molder were there too .. 
oh ya 
good day 
sincerely oledude 49yrs old 👌
sauced would be an understatement, i would have to be tripping on acid to believe in a teleportation tweek working , oh ya thats right i dont even have to be home when its done . That jamacan women from the psychic hotline would be proud ... ahhhh chillldd .. and one last request oh great one if we could be so blessed as to have a pic of your walkman placed on a cutting board ? I will make it my screensaver but please include your magic stickers in the pic . 🙏
Have a nice day  
Oh Robert what do you know about sound? "thats rights we have discussed your backround in music and in the studio ( quite impressive to a musician like myself knowing the powerhouse bands you have worked with ) on the phone many times usually you ringing me at home 👍I am a firm believer in your gear providing beneficial improvements to almost all audio components including my tube guitar amp lately.
     And yes this is getting toxic here .
      But it is quite interesting . I have dr. who popping in later in his phonebooth to test a few things 👍 Anyone interested in discussing this ,we will be using mental telepathy at 9pm pst sharp in this dimension . Anytime in dimensions 4-11 
I put mine on woodpecker feather pillows and watch star trek re runs via  holographic projection thru a certified crystal ball ..

     I try it if it works i use it period!

       Star sound works for me i know that ,is it price no object grounding ? maybe not . I dont have ligo spring money 

Unfortunately we are unable to try a gk tweek because forum members are undereducated and undeserving of a purchase .. damm
I am not a troll,I am a
musician and audiophile among many things . There obviously are solutions at various levels or designs to vibration . At 2-3 k per stand under spkr, amp ,pre,tt and digital that is quite expensive to the average joe . I believe this is system related , i have been reading and occasionally commenting since the first comment . I get discouraged by the chastising and belittling of members because they are not smart enough ..there will be different viewpoints , i see this all the time with instruments , there is science yes but there is also sound .. I am well aware of your one unit system gk , not everyone wants a headphone only or a modded walkman . Even if it is the cats meow , which has been debated over and over .. I would be shocked if over half of this thread didn’t say  the exact same thing 50 times. Opinions aren’t changing , I said i like Roberts audiopoint they work for me at a somewhat reasonable price considering what they do for my sound.I hated sorbethene it was a no go for my setup .
As for your tweeks gk how can anyone even try them when you blacklist any member here to try your "springs" ?
Just because a c.a.d machine carves a guitar body does not make it sound better then a handmade martin to me . I respond to final sound, at the price I determine to be acceptable for my situation.
Folk ,
Robert will step up for you i am sure .. i made that offer along time ago . "Send me a set of springs and a set of audiopoints.. " Robert offered Gk declined.
Gk and Robert
Set the comparison up !
maybe even a pay per view lol.. i may fly in just to meet gk in person .(i would love to put a face to the mind ) just let me know what show or where.. or a secret meeting ? Just please video tape it for the masses
I get it cdrc,
Thanks for your input on how different products worked for you, because that is the point..