Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?

Mechanical grounding or isolation from vibration has been a hot topic as of late.  Many know from experience that footers, stands and other vibration technologies impact things that vibrate a lot like speakers, subs or even listening rooms (my recent experience with an "Energy room").  The question is does it have merit when it comes to electronics and if so why?  Are there plausible explanations for their effect on electronics or suggested measurement paradigms to document such an effect?

Showing 21 responses by geoffkait

13,845 posts
10-31-2016 2:38pm
Well there is a report this post function here that can always be used. Posts abusive to others generally get DELETED! its the only effective tool at ones disposal really.

Not sure all trash talk qualifies but one can always try. It should be every responsible users job to help keep the site clean and trash free. If everyone does, maybe things improve.

However nothing explicit there to reliably report fiction versus fact or blatant misinformation. Internet is quite susceptible there.

Trust but verify is probably always a good idea. If you can’t verify, don’t trust.

Hey! Whoa! Mapman, are you listening to yourself? You really don’t get the Internet, do you? What’s next, shall I go back and cut and paste all of your blatant personal attacks? Stop trying to pretend to be Mr. Morality. I see thru you like you were made of glass.

Trust and verify? What are you, the nuclear non-proliferation committee?

agear OP
1,204 posts
10-30-2016 2:42pm
Geoffkait: It’s always nice to engage someone who keeps coming back with these really good examples of illogical arguments AND attitude. LOL what’s funny is you are blissfully unaware of what you are even arguing against, I.e., Morphic resonance. Hel-loo!

to which agear responded,

"Do you realize these are simply conversations with yourself? Your lack of self-insight staggers me. Furthermore, you are simply too scatty intellectually to maintain a focused argument. No wonder you maxed out at the undergrad level. All you are able to do is scat with half-baked Barnes and Nobles level scientific knowledge. I would buy tickets to the Geoff Kait thesis defense. Morphic resonance in
But at the end of the day, I find you highly entertaining. Carry on.

The Seismology report is apparently forthcoming. That should provide some grist of the mill...."


Firstly, let me say I eat seismologists for breakfast. All this idle talk about seismologists is making me hungry.

I thought Virginia is for lovers. Don’t be a hater, be a lover. Shame about UVa. It used to an elite institution when I went there but it looks like creeping state U-ism must’ve taken hold. 

Think of me as from the future, in your case far in the future.

An ordinary man has no means of deliverance. - Old audiophile axiom

Geoff Kait
machina dramatica

13,895 posts
11-04-2016 12:05pm
They only move a little bit, enough to damp teh most common vibrations of lesser magnitude, the ones you would never feel or know about otherwise. The grooves the inner part rotate in are wideth enough to provide some stability. So you get the best of both worlds, attentuation and stability all in a nice simple package. I never realized how great those things really are. Almost got rid of them a number of years back being only from Radio Shack and all.


Question: are you stupid or pretending to be stupid? 

Tom, just curious, what exactly happened to you? I mean to make you so dense. Maybe you're afraid of losing your senior shill status.
1,412 posts
11-10-2016 10:49am
Wrong.. we will soon post a video. You have been wrong for more than 20 years.
You should get a medal to wear with a spring attached. Greater forces from above keeps the background noise out. Tom

You guys have become The Gang that Couldn’t Shoot Straight. I can always tell when you're lying. When you open your mouths.
221 posts
11-17-2016 4:39pm
the idiocy never stops, does it?

No, not from you it doesn’t, Zippy. You’re like the wind up little mental defective monkey.




It does not reflect on the majority of folks involved with Audiogon threads.

Actually; this thread is a disgrace...

Whoa! What? Say, aren't the feller who used the word puerile a couple days ago? See the irony? 

1,054 posts
11-16-2016 4:19am
These questions are so incredibly puerile. Why not ask if birds fly?

I hate to judge before all the facts are in but I’m pretty sure many in this group, without naming names, won’t take umbrage in that remark because they don’t know what puerile or umbrage means.


agear OP
1,238 posts
11-21-2016 9:48am
223 posts
11-18-2016 4:47pm
I agree that the mods should close this thread and get rid of the troll

If we got rid of all the trolls on this thread there wouldn’t be anyone left to post.

That would be troll singular. Please expound on why a spring doubles dynamic range? Is that before or after they are treated in that tinfoil wrapped Microwave aka a "morphic resonator".....

What?! so all of a sudden I’m the bad guy? So typical of trolls to try and pin the blame for their own ignorance on someone else. Like naughty little boys with their fingers in their ears. How about expounding sand?

13,986 posts
11-21-2016 10:35am
The king of trolls speaks.

Next up, the king of the know nothings steps up to the plate and takes a mighty swing. Ah, the breeze feels good. There is no joy in Palookaville today. The mighty Moopman has struck out.

226 posts
11-19-2016 8:03pm
no, it would be n-1

ewwwwww, look at Randy with the big brain! He knows set theory. Randy-Rama!

no, poodles, you're being entrained

I don't think you get it. I'm bringing you on board to be my personal trained monkey.

Its whatever you think it is.

No actually its a lighted clock hanging on the wall above all my other cool audio toys. Yes those ARE in fact photons staring you in the face.

I’m not talking about light, grasshopper. See the difference? Besides Dave gave you the answer earlier today. Didn’t you get the memo? If you like I'll explain it to you.

I actually don’t disagree with anything you just said Geoff. I had a few great trips, and then got some stuff laced with something, as you suggest perhaps amphetamine. Luckily, it made me so violently ill I expunged it all out of my stomach, and things calmed down. The sight of a solid tube of rainbow sherbet-colored vomit propelling out of my mouth (think the Yellow Submarine animated movie) was quite surreal! I saw my first and only third eye that day, right in the middle of a guy’s forehead. It blinked separately from the other two ;-). That was it for me, thank you very much. I felt as if I had narrowly escaped the fate of Icarus, flying too close to the sun (too high).

Hey, same thing happened to me! But it was too much champaign and Guinness stout. Whoa, Nelly! Thought I saw God.


Anti depression medications and anti psychosis medications are much more dangerous than LSD ever thought of being. Yet their good outweighs their bad. Everything has risks. and sometimes the higher the reward the higher the risks.

Its your choice not mine. Pot is legal in some states. If that's what floats your boat then have at it. Why must everything with you be contentious?

contentious? You're the one that's being contentious as well as avoiding the question. Unless you think pot causes mental illness and suicide. You're just stalking as usual, that's all, from what I can tell. Which is fine with me if you want to do it. Doesn't hurt me any.

1,811 posts
01-02-2017 2:27am
I consider LSD-25 a very dangerous thing, which ruined a fair number of people’s lives. A boyfriend and girlfriend at my High School got way into it and committed double-suicide in the Santa Cruz mountains in ’67. The thought of young minds being exposed to such a powerful psycho-chemical is horrific to me, as are the experiments the CIA performed on unsuspecting civilians. Shame on them, and on the people (like Dr. Timothy Leary) who irresponsibly encouraged it’s casual use.

However, it IS very effective at raising one’s consciousness, if used only briefly by an adult, as did The Beatles. But then there are Syd Barrett, Skip Spence, and Peter Green who, sadly, didn’t know when to stop.

actually LSD-25 in its pure form is quite benign. It’s the additives like amphetamine or who knows what that present risk for the user. Obviously drugs can sometimes bring out underlying negative or simmering issues that are already there. But you can’t necessarily blame whatever happens on the drugs. Speaking of suicides and other horrors they used to too say exactly the same thing about marajuana. And there certainly have been infinitely more suicide blamed directly on anti depression medication than LSD-25 or any other psychedelic drug. Alcohol is much more dangerous than any drug in terms of being directly responsible for deaths, domestic attacks, suicides, automobile fatalities, etc. Timothy Leary encouraged raising consciousness, remember? "Turn on, Tune in, drop out." Try reading Leary’s Be Here Now or The Psychedelic Book of the Dead sometime. Or as Alfred E. Newman intoned, "turn on, tune in, drop dead." Ken Kesey, author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Sometimes a Great Notion took part in the LSD experiments in the '50. Didn't seem to slow down his style too much. As Huxley wrote, psychedelic drugs can be Heaven or Hell. Take your pick. 😩

Geoffkait:Thanks for the heads up. Someone needed to pick up the banner from Nancy Reagan.

Just say no


To which Agear replied,

"Not benign as you insinuated earlier. Duh."

I didn’t insinuate anything. Don’t put words, even your big impressive college words, in my mouth. What I said quite clearly was the dangerous thing about LSD is the additives like amphetamine or mole poison or whatever sometimes added to certain forms of LSD to precipitate the, you know, "rush." But not to LSD-25, which is the pure laboratory form. The pure LSD-25 experience is stress free, or so I’ve read. There has always been a lot of fear mongering and ignorance with these things, that goes without saying.

agear OP
Somebody wrote: Some people's ego doesn't allow them to contemplate how little of our brains do we use, how little we know. A healthy dose of a psychedelic can help with that.

to which replied,

"I have finally figured out why this thread has been such a mosh pit. Bdp24 let the cat out of the bag. Aside from the erratic ramblings of Mr Kait (a given on threads of any subject), it has struggled to retain focus due to the insidious input of aging hipsters. In his book "Doors of Perception," Aldous Huxley celebrated the quasi-religious revelations offered by Mescaline. Cdp24 mirrors that sentiment. The dark side of such as chemical enlightenment does not always manifest until much later in conjunction with aging of the brain. These "experiences" are burnt into our grey matter as a neural circuit of sorts, and these neural eddies re-emerge in an uncontrolled and inappropriate ways unbeknownst to the victim. The damage wrought by psychedelics has been borne out to some degree in the aftermath of the CIA's LSD experiments (Kait, if you were a participant, this would make this revelation a complete circle). At this point, in a Zuckerbergian gesture and for the sake of thread clarity, I propose censorship of all participants with exposure to psychedelic drugs in their past. A hair sample can be taken, and if you are clean, your musings on mechanical grounding will be accepted."

Whoa! What?! Hey, looks like a certain botonist musta got a little hammered last night. Take two placebos, Bobo, and see me in the morning. Feel better.

wolf_garcia wrote,

"Advertised health benefits" are the cornerstone of holistic pseudo medicine."

Exactly. Which probably explains why pseudo skeptics and pseudo scientists are high on alternative medicines.


One assumes the scientists conducted the marijuana experiments on rats because they found out that rat’s brains are very close to those of humans. 😄

Were the scientists involved paranoid that marijuana would be harmful if humans subjects were used? Were the human subjects paranoid? Did the rats get paranoid?  Hmmmm, one wonders.....

I’m pretty sure there are plenty of folks out there with Alzheimer’s who’d be more than happy to volunteer for that little experiment.
