Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?

Mechanical grounding or isolation from vibration has been a hot topic as of late.  Many know from experience that footers, stands and other vibration technologies impact things that vibrate a lot like speakers, subs or even listening rooms (my recent experience with an "Energy room").  The question is does it have merit when it comes to electronics and if so why?  Are there plausible explanations for their effect on electronics or suggested measurement paradigms to document such an effect?

Showing 50 responses by theaudiotweak

Looks like the greater forces do  come from the top like we have been saying since 1989. So much for the sounds of the city rising up like the devil. Not. Tom
What you see is what you get..

Observational facts: New York City - a real test and listening  environment for seismic activity.

“Earth crust motion, other earth vibration, wind, footfall, traffic, subway, ocean wave action, local construction, large fans and speaker feedback”

Speaker feedback? (Only if you are a poor sound engineer :)

Add to that El trains (but not so much in Manhattan), subterranean city and workers 24-7, rivers, shipping and large engines, cab drivers complaining, aircraft, crowds of humanity singing and dancing, plates, glasses and bottles clattering, live band instruments (acoustic and electronic) and percussion and any other type of noise you can imagine…

And the liquid in the glass remains stable, not only stable but there are no discernable opposite reactions of the waves hitting the glass; would not they come back then forth again creating even greater instability of the fluid surface?  Still extremely calm with a powerhouse subwoofer system beneath and a 1500 watt satellite system direct coupled to the subwoofer cabinet then add to that another pair of identical cabinets located on stage left and a half dozen floor monitors too!

Now that is what I call a full frequency range testing environment.

Clearly more energy heading to ground (flooring) versus coming up the chain.

Tom. Star Sound.   
We know how to remove interfering energy without removing needed polarties of shear as does your product and like designs. We keep the good because they are required for accurate reproduction. Your designs create a mechanical barrier on which any voice coil loses articulation while trying to overcome your materials of cancelation.  Tom. Star Sound
Motion artifacts can be seen as well as heard. Maybe you cannot seem them in the video link because you didnt look or there are none there to see..Tom. Star Sound
Not an experiment but reality as conveyed by our products in the video. We don't want a splash as none was desired or reproduced. If the energy was stored you would see ripples and as the energy built up within the confines of the container you would see a splash...there is none  because the energy is not stored but is passed thru to ground. Remove the interfering energy and you have greater dynamic contrasts and resolution. Tom.. Star Sound
She just...left my house after driving 18 hours for a visit on her way to a week long seminar. I showed her our video on You Tube and she said thats exactly what she expected of our technology. I showed her your responses to the thread..she just laughed as we and most others do. She will be thru again on her way back west so we can then do more analysis of our technology and discuss future applications. Tom.. Star Sound
She received her masters of Geophysical  Engineering almost 40 years ago.

She has authored and presented 14 papers on different aspects of interpretation and understanding compressional waves to the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) International meetings, European Association of Exploration Geophysicists (EAEG) meetings, Australian Association of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG) meetings, SEG Summer Research Workshop and to SEG chapter meetings. Many of these papers were invited and some were awarded best paper. In addition, she taught a three-day course on seismic interpretation requested by the SEG.  She has also worked as a Geotechnical Engineer in the housing industry.

Recently she discovered the largest ever deposit of helium gas in North America ..well except for you, Your Highness.
Have a wonderful day, Tom
Your Highness please explain how springs selected at 3hz or 5hz or any frequency that doesn"t hurt ours..why are they not a bandpass filter. Tom
When I worked in retail hi fi ,Thiel Audio was one of our lines. The Thiel factory was 70 miles from our store and my home. The then current sales manager heard his Thiel speakers on our points and platforms at the store and also with my own Dunlavy's at my home.. He was was blowed away..he requested a design and quote for the outrigger style platforms for his new 1.2 or 2.2 speakers. Any way they took the concept and had them made in China out of pot metal and generic nails or points. The sales manager was disappointed with the results but Jim and Kathy thought their landed cost of 12 dollars American a PAIR was a good deal for them when they could retail them for 250 a pair...what a value. What a pile of crap..they were. Not a benefit to the sound or value to the customer.

I see this over and over again where a manufacturer can not see the value in higher performance parts to improve the sound of any of their components. Many don't even try..

After having several  of my direct coupled endpins installed in cellos that cost over a million dollars I am finally having retailers and luthiers who are now committed to offering their clients the best performance. When you can take a cello that sells for a mere 30k (that's a lot to me) and have it perform much like  500k Grancino then they finally decided to get their heads out of the sand. I guess they felt threatened by the lowly cheap 30 K cello that suddenly had a dramatic increase in acoustic weight and dynamic that was easier to play because it now had less interfering energy being feed back thru the strings and bow.. and have as much as 2db more acoustic output than a replaced steel or carbon fiber spike..yea a 50 dollar spike in a million dollar instrument just like the 100k speaker with the same type of nonsense.

We test many new concepts and shapes with real instruments. Not only for sound but for how it plays and feels. If the instrument is easier to play for the cellist then there is a mechanical resistance or interference that is being reduced or removed. This is an improvement you can see in the cellist's body language and expression. If they feel more in control and more at ease then they play better and sound better. We make a direct coupled pathway between the real and the reproduced.
Tom. Star Sound
Isolate your musical instrument in Carnegie Hall and hope to hear whats removed.. No ripples in our You Tube video in a night club in the middle of New York City and all of its non interference at least when using our non isolating designs. Tom
Analogous  how?  Like to microscopes and LIGO and Earth and city noise are to your stuff when used in a live music venue or with real instruments that vibrate as a function of how they operate and we perceive them. That would sound like a pile of mud with your stuff....

We test our design concepts with real live instruments and musicians. Have you ever even thought of such a concept and how your designs will crush dynamics of real instruments?

My designs are used in Carnegie Hall and in the  Gewandhausorchestra, Leipzig, Germany (founded in 1743, named in 1781 for its first home – Gewandhaus)

Some players have removed the decoupling carbon fiber endpins from their instruments and replaced them with endpins that extract the most energy from their cello and bass via the concept of direct mechanical coupling. That is only one of our test it really sounds.. What a concept.

PS what about the spring bandpass filter question I asked earlier?


Stalemate Kait asks, What do instruments have to do with audiophiles?

I had to put my eyes back in my head after reading that one.

We are just proving to the World that our new technology provides operational efficiency for any application. We have products for Hi-Fi gear, structural environments and musical instruments.

Amazing how you can never relate to music or sound. You should tout your wares on the Popular Mechanics website and get out of audio or unlock a new page in life and open your ears instead of your mouth.

Now that’s a brilliant concept!


I never seen MG or have I ever spoken with him in my 20 year association with Star Sound as a customer as a dealer or as a consultant. You have though.

All the devices you listed above,  including musical instruments develop interfering energy. We as a group know how to rid that interference from those devices. 

Amplified musical instruments have all that you stated on your blow back..Acoustic instruments have pickups attached or microphones attached or placed nearby. Our devices work in and around and under those and work to reduce the interfering energy ..from the instrument from the mic stand and beyond. Your stuff does nothing from the start.

Your stuff compounds the interference with waveform cancellation and loss of information and dynamics. You have been wrong for over 41 years..Tom 
and none of them dissipate a polarity of shear that generates interfering energy. In fact most of them unknowingly aid in the creation of more interference. More interference is a byproduct of many so called isolation systems including all those that are suspended. Careful what you wish for and video aides on the web can be both hazardous to your ears and your wallet. Tom
The motion of the bristles of the broom used to sweep shear under the carpet actually generates more shear. But Geoff you know that right? Tom  
But Geoff your methods kill all your own words. 

By killing all vibration with your indiscriminate design and methods you are eliminating some or all parts of motion that are needed for both speaker and phono reproduction as well as restricting operational directions in all other devices. I hope you understand...or if you don't you can keep looking for another 21 years. Tom
My liver was swept under the rug along with all the polarites of shear generated from the bristles of the broom and transmitted into the handle..I know how it works. The answer has always been there you just need to keep looking. Coming up on 21 years and your still wearing brain blinders along with a Daniel Boone hat and fuzzy ear muffs. Tom 
The amount of reflected signal refracted back into the signal path is what's most important. The signal path is all solid materials including their boundaries with other solid materials. You cannot measure refraction with a laser as described. Tom
Speakers sit on speaker stands. They have boundaries. Energy is reflected on the external surface you see and energy is also refracted thru one material boundary into an adjacent material and its boundary. The laser will not give a read of the refraction waves that travel thru the solid material. But you can hear the influence of the refracted signal. Tom
But there are wave forms being developed within the component even when suspended. There are polarties that are part of the intended signal you want to maintain.... and some of the same original wave that travel and create polution. Those you want to exit. You meaning your stuff..cannot erase the bad without killing the good your crap does. Selectivity is not a part of your devices. Keep looking. Tom
Dave asked me a question and I answered him. And I am telling you to keep looking.

Cables vibrate do they not..internally and externally. You can screw up the sound of those as well. I think even suspended audio gear has wires and circuit paths that are degraded when unintended wave forms that run rampant are left with no exit. Your Play Dough is not the answer but is a part of the ongoing illness. Tom
Thru the use of a select natural material that has the same velocity of sound as that of air. This material may still perform better if it were also mechanically grounded. Dave..thanks for asking. Thats all. Tom
Suspending an audio device from the ceiling will never isolate the device from its self generated vibration or resonance. The suspended device in motion ..and everything is in motion needs to dissipate the negative influences of some but not all waveforms.  Some waveforms will travel the chassis but can be directed out via a copper ground strap to a mechanical/electrical ground. Without the exit point provided you will have a resonance build up even when suspended.. Tom
Your almost to 21 years and still wrong. Energy being released at a defined exit point is greater than energy trying to enter that same point. Example your mouth and your brain. Tom
A section of LIGO is suspended but not tethered or grounded. You should ask them if this was by design or have they eliminated a polarity of shear by an alternate method. I would like to know that method. Tom
No its not solved because the generated shear energy has no way out. Where there is motion there is shear thru solid materials. Even when suspended. All forms of motion are eliminated? Tom
I have seen that 3ft beast of a crossover and seen it repaired. We then mounted it to one of our platforms. Suggest that the resistors be replaced when the unit is removed. If you dont want to remove the xover it can be mounted to our devices placed back in the cabinet and tensioned from the bottom.  Of course the path is only completed to ground when the speakers themselves reside on points or platforms. Springs put at stop to any exit plan.

Dave I cannot answer your inquiry at this time. You could always send me your number or the versa. Tom
Speakers elevated on our points or platforms have an increase in image height, width and specificity even when the tweeter is above the ear canal. Dispersion is increased..You don't have less you have more. The image is almost like two overlapping spheres that allow you to see images as a whole or as a singular event within the performance pick     16 by 9 performance on a wall to wall screen.  These devices remove interfering energy from the drivers and the cabinet. In another life I worked for a Thiel dealer..we were the only dealer in the state where they were located. A  heavy dense cabinet enclosure will store a lot of energy and has a long memory of the previous note that tried to come thru it. Tom
Springs add another boundary layer and introduce more interfering energy.  The motion artifacts of the springs and resulting inertia when driven by the voice coil of a speaker need to be overcome by the voice coil. If you suspend all speakers from either above or below you have the same retention of interfering energy. And so is your sound.  Tom
Is the phase lag of the system also irrelevant as when the force is applied or removed and the system responds in kind? Tom 

That differs from what I just read in an online engineering journal saying a spring does have a natural resonant frequency. Everything has a natural resonance. Tom
Those springs help develop and help retain shear wave interference. The fact that a moving coil sits atop a moving object (your perpetual motion machine at least in motion while you are trying to listen to music in accurate formation and time) I guess you could move your head in the opposite direction in hopes of keeping perfect time and speed ..kinda like a woodpecker..He's got it going....some Doppler distortion as well. Tom
But Geoff you said and the engineering manual confirmed springs do have a natural resonant frequency. Just wanted to confirm your statement as written in the journal. And you cowboy speak with a forked tongue. Tom

I want to thank you for posting all my statements and those of others a second time for all to see.  Tom

You should call Robert and request an auditon of a platform suitable in size to place under your Walkman. Some years ago we made a very effective and amazing demo when a platform was placed under a boom box for a group of listeners at a local audio store. Instant improvement even under plastic. Tom

You neglected to add your personal tests and measurement results to the documents you supplied a link for. Maybe you felt your results were  irrelevant or inconclusive. Tom
In the past I sold Hafler amps and they sounded good. But I never liked them enough to own one..they were good enough to use on subs but never full range in a top shelf system. Tom
Can you null out grain and fill in with creamy texture and body? Can you null out one polarity of shear so there is a unified direction and a singular speed? Tom
Can you null the same component ouput when played from a Sistrum Platform and then the same component played from a Springy Thing Platform?. Of course when you playback the difference output you need to choose which platform to launch from.

If you were to add the difference to the Springy Thing Platform on the rerun it would gain about 1.5 db in amplitude and lite up the wall behind the speakers versus just the orginal Springy Thing playback .Tom
I use a Sistrum platform to increase the chemical reactivity of my deep cell marine battery that powers my dac..The 70 lb. battery sits on this platform. That is the result I hear. While the battery is not solid state there is a marked improvement in sound quality of all my ss gear when placed on these same platforms. Even the battery. I have inside both amps the same technology under the circuit boards and everything else that touches the chassis floor. It’s all mechanically grounded from the inside out. It all launches from the same mechanical ground plane. Tom
I have 2 patents have a new one under application and review.. and with an associate one being updated.You can reduce the distortion on vinyl with the removal of a polarity of shear..You have to understand how its there in the first place and conceive a method for its reduction and or removal.. Shear is very prevelant in audio and is much of the basis for motion and sound. Some good and some not. Shear can be dispersed but never isolated..keep looking. Tom
You are wrong none of what I own or use do I consider Isolated. That word is offensive and just dirt.  Just the opposite everything is direct coupled to the floor so as to remove or reduce shear wave interference. I use the same direct coupled methods with the use of polaration filters to remove interfering energy in my endpins for musical instruments. There are other materials and methods in addition to remove the interfering polarities. One is to disapate the energy into air thru a material that has the same velocity as air. The instruments become easier to play as a result. You can hear the difference and you can see the change in body language and sense of excitement in muscians face. Any instrument that touches the floor can have these improvements.One other thing we dont just hear with our ears we hear with all our body parts as if we are a geophone made of flesh and blood and bone. That is what makes some of us human rather than a robot textbook.Tom
Crown amps of the early 70s had 60db of negative feedback and no distortion.??vs a Marantz 8b that had over 1 % thd..but you could listen into it all nite long. Tom
My patents are for the enhancement of musical instruments and their directional vibration transfer.. Tom