Do Dealers think it is sinful..........

..... to give a customer a break on the price of high end audio equipment? is there something ethically wrong with this? why is it that i can negotiate down the price of a car or real estate many thousands of dollars, but i cant even get a discount on something the dealer (1) doesnt stock, (2) will not let you bring home for a day. i feel that when you are spending big $, like 8k + on a sale there should be some give and take. what do you think?
Awdeeofyle: look, jerk, I can read retail price sheets, just as you could if you tried, Well, maybe not. I routinely receive 25% discounts on highend speakers, electronics and acessories (sometimes more on the last). These are new, in-the box, never-opened products. They are not once-a-year demo units. Those are discounted more deeply. Sorry you live in the boondocks or are, perhaps, too reticent or stupid to ask whether discounts might be available. Fact is: YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKIN' ABOUT.
Kendall43, sorry to shake your tree but I don't believe you either. I live in NYC where there are many, many Hi-end dealers and have yet to find one that discounts 25% across the board. Oh, and lose the attitude, we are all adults here and there is no need to call each other names. We can disagree more maturely than that.
Yes, but why are price breaks so hard to get? It seems to me that one consensus of this thread is that if you invest the time in your dealer he will eventually give you a break. I think the opposite, if you keep paying full price why would they suddenly give you a breaK? p.s. in my own shopping, I go to the same dealers and rarely do they appear symphatic to price breaks, even after many purchases. Maybe that's just the area I live in?
I buy from a dealer from the NYC area and he has always given me 25-30% off everything I have purchased from him.He also spends 10-15 minutes per phone call when I have a question on something he has or just for advice.I guess one just has to find the right dealer.
John_l: Gary at Audio Gallery is THE BIGGEST jerk I have ever met. He is a complete loser with no idea of what it means to appreciate a customer that walks in the door. In this "high end" audio business, there are so few of us to begin with, that to continually treat potential customers with the lack of respect as Gary does, is a disservice to the consumer and the manufacturer. I would rather listen to Bose than to give my business to Audio Gallery

On the other hand, the "used store" you mentioned, is probably Echo Hifi. They are terrific people with a true understanding of the business. Not only are they passionate about audio, they also treat their customers as friends. They will always have a loyal customer base.

Cornfedboy: I think you are incorrect of your assessment of "discounting". I believe it is illegal to "price fix". It is done to force the consumer to deal with the local dealer regardless of how the dealer treats the consumer. Many manufacturers will also pull their product from a dealer if they sell outside of their territory. This too is illegal. If you can cite case law, I am willing to listen.