Yes, but why are price breaks so hard to get? It seems to me that one consensus of this thread is that if you invest the time in your dealer he will eventually give you a break. I think the opposite, if you keep paying full price why would they suddenly give you a breaK? p.s. in my own shopping, I go to the same dealers and rarely do they appear symphatic to price breaks, even after many purchases. Maybe that's just the area I live in?
Do Dealers think it is sinful..........
..... to give a customer a break on the price of high end audio equipment? is there something ethically wrong with this? why is it that i can negotiate down the price of a car or real estate many thousands of dollars, but i cant even get a discount on something the dealer (1) doesnt stock, (2) will not let you bring home for a day. i feel that when you are spending big $, like 8k + on a sale there should be some give and take. what do you think?