Do Dealers think it is sinful..........

..... to give a customer a break on the price of high end audio equipment? is there something ethically wrong with this? why is it that i can negotiate down the price of a car or real estate many thousands of dollars, but i cant even get a discount on something the dealer (1) doesnt stock, (2) will not let you bring home for a day. i feel that when you are spending big $, like 8k + on a sale there should be some give and take. what do you think?
awdeeofylle: what planet did you drop in from? have you ever bought highend gear? fact is, the margin is from 40-70%. thus, the great majority of highend gear has plenty of space for discounts. products like cables and wire, which is frequently marked up 60-70%, has even more room for "deals." sure you're not a shill for mit? andy singer? i quite agree that dealers who offer service should be rewarded; that's why i rarely buy used gear myself. but this ain't pork bellies and euros. we're not in this hobby to make a killin'. you wanna leverage your audio $$, then buy a bunch of krell on margin and try to figure how long it will remain current stock. come on, admit it, you're sluggo come to the surface again, at last. welcome back, o iconiclast!
I buy and sell lots of stuff on the 'net. Like a warehouse store, the 'net offers good prices but virtually no service. I will NOT audition gear at a local retailer (or take it home for an audition) then look for a deal elsewhere, that's simply not an ethical way to do business and ultimately the dealer will end up finding another way to support his family. The dealer's time and inventory costs him money, if he invests in me then I in turn ought to be willing to do the same. I will research current pricing to use as a benchmark for negotiating a fair price, then lay down my hard earned cash. I hate being jerked around and do my best not to waste other people's time. If I want a "deal" I buy off the 'net, if I want value I buy from my local dealer. Jeff
If you "listen to equipment at your local dealer...then go to audiogon to purchase" then you are doing a great disservice to your local dealer. They should slam the door in your face and spit at you. On the other hand....If you are willing to purchase used gear without having demo'd...Audiogon is GREAT! I will not demo at a local dealer and buy is sacreligeous. If the dealer does not have what I want in stock for me to hear....they had better offer me a heavy discount for the quick sale (all they have to do is order it for $A, recv. it, and resell it for $B) It is worth money to have the ability to demo prior to purchase.
Avnut....if your dealer will not offer you a discount on something that they don't have in stock and won't let you take home for demo...then get rid of your dealer. They are depriving you of two of the three things that they are able to give you (the third being advice). I have a dealer like that as well....I will not purchase from him.....he has nothing to offer me.
Avnut- I would second (or is it third?)Jef and Mfgrep. If we use the dealers as an audition source and then buy from net its totally unfair to them. On the other hand, I also agree with everyone who says avoid that dealer like the plague. He is not providing you with any value, which is the reason for buying from a bricks and mortars outfit. Best of luck. Hope you get the amps want and the service you deserve.