Do Dealers think it is sinful..........

..... to give a customer a break on the price of high end audio equipment? is there something ethically wrong with this? why is it that i can negotiate down the price of a car or real estate many thousands of dollars, but i cant even get a discount on something the dealer (1) doesnt stock, (2) will not let you bring home for a day. i feel that when you are spending big $, like 8k + on a sale there should be some give and take. what do you think?

Showing 1 response by nostrokefae3

Got news for you. There aren't many people who waltz into a hifi shop and drop 5K on a set of speakers.

Many dealers go out of their way to demonstrate and educate prospective customers with the hope that they will grace them with a sale.

If an "audiophile" demands a discount from a dealer, the dealer is likely to blow him off. Dealers are savvy to the behavior of the typical "audiophile stroker" and don't go out of their way to accommodate them. The dealer knows that after he has demoed the product and invested time answering questions, the stroker is just go buy it somewhere else for 2% less $.

FYI: Vandersteen's have a markup of 35%. That isn't much after you consider the cost of shipping, capital outlay to stock them, etc.