Do Dealers think it is sinful..........

..... to give a customer a break on the price of high end audio equipment? is there something ethically wrong with this? why is it that i can negotiate down the price of a car or real estate many thousands of dollars, but i cant even get a discount on something the dealer (1) doesnt stock, (2) will not let you bring home for a day. i feel that when you are spending big $, like 8k + on a sale there should be some give and take. what do you think?

Showing 3 responses by 3chihuahuas

What about the MFG price protection? It always seems like when ever I ask for a discount, the dealers would give a MFG price proctection lecture....and how they can't give any discounts because the MFG would pull the plugs on them? Isn't this against the law? ...a.k.a price fixing? Then again..isn't true that some MFG price the products for branding status? Non-audiophilers may simply associate a more expensive piece of equipment to a better performer and vice versa. This is a normal practice in the automotive industry. I can even recall a case study about Marantz I read back in a marketing class during my college days. I can't remember exactly when, but there was a time when Marantz tried to lower its price hoping to capture market shares, but ended up lossing sales because consumers started associating the brand as a cheap product. It took Marantz many years, if not more, to get the brand back to "hi end" level in public's mind.
Enough with the talking and show me the discount. Those who have cited they were able to receive discounts please list names of your sales man/woman and the store which offered it to you. I am possitive these dealers won't mind since it's more potential business for them, especially, since they are earning less margin (from the price breaks)and they can make it up in the volume they'll potentially be getting from us. Let me be the first. Josh as San Francisco Stereos (Mountain View Location) will be able to get you 6% across the board just like what he did for me. I know it's not much, but it's not bad considering how all the other hi end dealers around here have us by the balls with their "MSRP" bullshit. Cheers
What do you guys think about forming our own network to protest against dealers pricing fixing? I say we have a big enough to know some one (or know some one who knows some one ...and etc.) that can get hifi products at discounts. We would simply extend this discounts to our elite members who are all binded by a common mission statement: To promote hifi products while spending as little as possible. Sounds good to you guys? I am not say it's can be easily done, but can you imagine if this idea takes off? I am not in this audio hobby to make a buck and I am sure some of you feel the same way. Let me know what you think? Here's a of my good gal pal designs cables for a cable company just right outside of San Francisco. Her company is contracted by Cardas to produce cables for them. Get the hint guys?