Do dealers believe in their products?

Do dealers believe and test out the products they sell or just stock what the industry says is good? I suppose once you are a dealer for a product it would be hard to just dump the mfg'r when a better brand comes along. Then there is the ethics if a customer asks if there is something better out there and the dealer does not believe in what he sells.
I ask because I remember going into one of my first stores. The dealer had been around for decades and I got the impression he knew of a way better system for half the price. Then a home dealer was demoing bright, shiny $5,000.00 speakers but stuck in the corner where some huge dirty speakers from the 70's. That's what he listened to on his own time, hhhmmmmmmmmmmmm.
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No not all do, I had Innerosund Eros stats and the local dealer loved them, when he sold them. I came back a year or so later and a new guy who never saw me was the salesman, he had nothing good to say about them, and wouldnt ya know it? they were no longer a dealer. Nor are they in business now!