Do Countries Have a "House" Sound

I've been mulling over whether countries that manufacture audio equipment produce a sound peculiar to them. For instance, do you automatically assume gear from Germany has more an engineered, detailed quality whereas the UK, for instance, might have more PRAT.

Is there anything to this idea?

Showing 1 response by trelja

Nonoise, "A few months back I listened to a FM broadcast about a scientist who discovered that cures and remedies can be vastly different due to different diagnosis because of cultural beliefs. For example, migraines are thought to be due to circulatory problems in the U.S., digestive problems in France and kidney problems in Germany. The remedies are all different but there may be a common thread in there, somewhere, and science should now look at that data to sort out a commonality."

You brought to mind a funny episode in a former career, where I had a conversation with the head of HR. He went down a similar path of causes of mortality (heart disease, colorectal cancer, etc.) endemic to certain populations, going off on a tangent while we discussed the coming year's healthcare package. When he got to Italians, "who die of lead poisoning... They get shot." He loved the fact that he set me up for that PERFECTLY. Or, as my friend, The Doctor, likes to say, "a case of acute lead poisoning."