Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?

Your experiences?


Showing 1 response by alycat

Wow! The level of misinformation here is shocking. Obviously many contributors here have never tried experimenting with power chords on a transport or CD player. 

 I recently bought the well acclaimed Jay's Audio transport, ($2500), and used a low current Shunyata power cord designed for Cd players and other non amplifier uses and it sound great! It is an amazing thing. Then switched to a PS Audio power cord and the difference was immediately better in every way. So much so my wife noticed it as well while wail on the other side of a large room. And this is just regarding a transport. Many audiophiles swear that power cords make a bigger difference than interconnects. I am becoming a believer of this and have been at this hobby for over 40 years. Including working in a high end HI-Fi store in Chicago for ten years where all we did all day is experiment with every kind of high fi component, cables and tweaks. A good high end AC cord bought used  from ebay or Audiogon for just a few hundred bucks can make a BIG difference in the right place in your system. I'm talking about a WOW! , that's sounds great kind of improvement.