Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....

Things like the CT-7000 from Yamaha, other Marantz, Magnum, Fisher, Scott or any others.  It would be good for us "tuner people" to hear your experience with older, former SOTA tuners.  Thanks. 

Showing 1 response by mitch4t

I have a Sansui TU-X1.
I’m a jazz fanatic.
There’s only one jazz station in LA.
I've always considered my tuner as a tool to find new jazz music.
Consequently it doesn’t get much use due to bounty of jazz stations all over the world via streaming...along with Tidal & Pandora Premium.

As good as my tuner is, it’s turning out to be more of a nostalgic piece of audio sculpture.
It is a gorgeous beast, and I’ll never get rid of it.