Do any of you kids , want your system ???


I’ve experienced a buy/sell of my giant speakers

anyway, As we are an older Demographic 

2 questions: 

1) if you go to audiophile Heaven,  do any of your kids want your Hifi ?
    I asked that , over Christmas, and caught a defeating silence and laugh “ no” frickin way
    Way to big !!!  And lots of laughs over the conversation 
2) when that time comes , How does anybody get rid of all the Hifi stuff ?         Does the spouse?   Cuss you out and sell for $5 a garage sale ?   My guess; it’s a lot of work to sell correctly ?   My wife answer was enlightening!!!
It’s an ugly/funny question , But I’m really wondering how it happens

Hifi geek 


Showing 1 response by earlflynn

My middle son will get my systems. 
My oldest is a Musician and a PHD in Bio Molecular Chemical Engineering at Norte Dame and could care less. He would rather play when is not doing research.

My Daughter will get my Analog System as she love vinyl.