Here, Two types of possible noise here:
(1) On the sub issue, it is mechanical vibration. The transformer probably needs tightening or damping using some sort of rubber, or it is a crappy transformer and buzzes internally. I don't buy the "DC on the AC" theory.
(2) On the Ampzilla issue, you don't say if the noise is through the speakers or mechanical noise at the amp. This would be helpful.
Toroidal Transformer in India | Power Transformers in India
(1) On the sub issue, it is mechanical vibration. The transformer probably needs tightening or damping using some sort of rubber, or it is a crappy transformer and buzzes internally. I don't buy the "DC on the AC" theory.
(2) On the Ampzilla issue, you don't say if the noise is through the speakers or mechanical noise at the amp. This would be helpful.
Toroidal Transformer in India | Power Transformers in India