Do 180g vinyls sound better or is it a myth ?

After just recently getting into vinyl and buying a few albums I’m wanting to know opinions from like minded people. Does the weight of the vinyl make a difference to overall sound quality, and to add a bit more substance to the post, does it sound better than CD ?
Thanks for taking the time to read my post .


Showing 2 responses by paraneer

Also, the plural of vinyl is vinyl.

+1 mofimadness!

And besides, they are not 180g vinyls as the title of post says.  They are 180g records!

 Does the weight of the vinyl make a difference to overall sound quality,

Absolutely not.  My best sounding records are not 180's.

and to add a bit more substance to the post, does it sound better than CD

Vinyl sounds different.  Not better.  In most case, I prefer the differences that vinyl offers though.