DIY wood diffusers

I'm having a freind who is a master wood worker make me some wood diffusers.Is there anyone who can give me exact mesurements for proven performance.I'm bassing them on a 2'x4' frame.I would like to know what depth I should make them and how deep and wide each cavity should be..

Showing 1 response by shadorne

Peter S. thanks - great post!

If you can afford 90 tons of timber here is an example of just how far one could go. In the pursuit of great sound there is no such thing as madness but surely this comes close!


If you look at my virtual system you can see an interesting fireplace. What do you see?...yeah I know its just a fancy fireplace...that is all anyone ever says....look closer now and put your audiophile hat on and you might suddenly realize you are actually looking at a highly effective RPG diffusor as well as bass trap behind the listening position. Go on be creative - acoustic treatments do not have to look like something out of Star Trek to be effective.