DIY Speakers, worth the hassles?

Are DIY speaker kits as great as they claimed? I mean several places claim that thier products are as good as 5 to 10 times higher-priced brandname products. Are these true or if it's just a hype?

Say will $1500-2K DIY speaker kit are as good as 5-10K speakers? Or will the sub 1K kit be as good as 2-3K speakers?

Are there any real A/B test reports somewhere?

Also any real experiences from the real DIYers in the group would be really appreciated.



Showing 2 responses by sharri (kits and parts)

BTW, there are NO hassles in DIY Speakers
Making, creating, and assembling are not hassles
DIY is the only way to go in speakers!!! Even if you have someone else to everything, you still save 70% over retail. And if you have any kind of skill with a screwdriver or soldering iron, you can save 90% over retail.
Start simple and use premium parts, especially in the crossover. Many people and companies do designs that are as good, or superior, as commercial speaker products.
Another thing is just the learning experience of what goes into a speaker, and the ability to sort through the marketing crap that the commercial companies use to describe their products.