DIY speaker enclosure, maybe TL?

I'm planning to make a pair of speaker enclosures for Accuton drivers, and people have told me I should go for a Transmission Line type. I've tried to read on the Internet about TL's, and realize that while the audiophile community owes a huge debt to Martin J. King and George Augsburger, their stuff belongs to an engineering grad school curriculum, with me being stuck somewhere around the 6th grade. I've ordered a couple of books, Vance Dickason's Cookbook for one, but before they arrive, can anyone guide me toward a practical design? I can do the carpentry but the details of a design still seem a distant goal. Any help would be much appreciated!

Showing 1 response by gregm

Speaker building is very exciting and rewarding (IMO). Please don't misunderstand me however, if I say that designing can be a bit tricky for an "entry level" builder. TL is particularly difficult and until King & other came up with modelling (very recently) it was a hapless task.
You absolutely must see Mr Linkwitz' site
Info and links here
Interesting stuff here.
Advanced stuff by Kreskovski here
And, another "must read" from Mr Ludwig Don;t be daunted by the looks of this site, just go right in -- it's readable!
Good luck