DIY Nearfield Monitors

Two questions on this topic, please.

First, can anyone recommend an OEM supplier for single, "time aligned" and/or crossoverless cone drivers?

As mentioned in other threads, I am increasingly listening to music at my desk, in the nearfield, at lower volumes. Could this type of driver work well in that setting?

Second, I have never built or commissioned speakers of my own design, but I am wondering if there are any DIY or off the shelf cabinets available similar to the WATT type monitors, with a more interesting shape than the usual boxes?

Thanks for any ideas or suggestions.

Showing 1 response by stanwal

I would check Madisound or its English counterpart Wilemslow Audio [sp?] as they have been offering first rate DIY speakers for decades. There are also DIY audio forums. The two companies will provide acurate info on what you are looking for.