Distinctly Digital Forever?

Something always made me believe that a decent tube preamp could "mellow" or "naturalize" the sound of digital sources. But this doesn't seem to be so. OTOH, maybe there are DACS out there that not only convert to analog, but actually make digital source components sound like analog sources? So, just to further my understanding: assuming price no object, does there exist any DAC, or DAC/Pre combo, capable of making my streamer (or the best streamer in existence, for that matter) sound indistinguishable from an FM radio signal, given each "playing" the same recording at the same volume with the same EQ?


Showing 1 response by jsalerno277


There are many excellent recommendations from others where you will not go wrong. I use a Wyred 4 Sound 10th Anniversary DAC with an Aurender N100H and feel the results very “analog” like with dense, three dimensional images, deep/wide stage, excellent micro and macro dynamics, extended bass, and detail without edge or glare.  Remember good power cords, USB interconnects, and vibration isolation.  I use WyWires Platinum and Symposium Platforms/Rollerblock Jrs. to optimize performance. The Aurender N200 will outperform my N100H which is no longer available.   Read reviews on the Wyred DCC that also characterize it as “analog like”.  Of course you can go cost no object up the Aurender line and with DACS like the Chord Dave … or DCS Bartok without need for a server, the latter being the best I have heard for which I am saving my pennies (a lot of pennies)  




