Dissapointed with my new speakers

So a couple of weeks ago I replaced my 2 year old Klipsch RB25 bookshelves with a pair of B&W DM603 S2 floorstanders. When I first auditioned them I fell in love with their resolution and clarity however having lived with them for two weeks now, I am very dissapointed in the low-end and to a much lesser extent, the midrange.

On most songs, the bottom end seems very lacking compared to the Klipsch bookshelves and simply pales in comparison to the Klipsch RF82s we have in the living room. In addition the mid-range seems a little over emphasized. I can probably get used to the mid-range however, the lack of low end impact I probably couldn't get used to. I was thinking about adding a subwoofer but a half-decent one would start around $250 and go up from there and the speakers themselves are worth around $450-500. This got me thinking, maybe I should just switch to a different pair of speakers instead of trying to make the current system sound better. What do you guys suggest?

P.S.-I'm in Hawai'i so while I'm open to used speakers, shipping here will usually run about $250+ for floorstanders so I'd only have about $500 for the speakers.

Showing 5 responses by skyline889

Thanks for the advice guys. I actually purchased them locally and they were used for a year by the owner I bought them from, and were demos before that, so they must be broken in by now right? He had them running off of an old Rotel CD player and an older Rotel integrated. I'm running them off of my Denon PMA-2000IVR integrated. It's a warmer high current SS amp so I was surprised at how little mid-low bass there was.
Thanks for all the help guys. I moved them to my living room and they performed much better than they did in my small room. Part of my problem I found is that in my room I need to put them on stands as they're too short for my listening chair. The main part of the problem however is that I really can't listen loud enough to enjoy these at their potential. I think what I was running into was that I tend to listen at lower volumes and unlike the Klipsches we have, these really don't perform well at those volumes. The "impact" of the mid-low frequencies comes at a much higher volume. With my Denon turned up half way, they performed much like the reviews I have read about them however, they are also quite fatigueing at these volumes. Catch 22 I guess. :(

Also while pushing these speakers harder I found that they aren't very cohesive. I can hear the cross-over points for the woofer, the tweeter, and the mid-bass driver and they just don't come together smoothly, they sound like they're coming out of individual drivers (Which they are, I guess I just expect them to meld together better). Do you guys have any suggestions for better speakers? I auditioned a pair of Kef IQ90s and they sounded pretty good however I'd have to pay close to retail and was quoted $1100 which seems a bit much for these speakers.
I wouldn't exactly say I love the Klipsch house sound. I haven't heard any of their real horn speakers like the Heresys etc, but the newer line using the cerametallic woofers and Tractix horns have real problems with properly voicing the mid-range.

The mid-range on both the Klipschs we own are hollow, recessed, and just overall pretty lifeless. It didn't bother me much with the RB25s as they are pretty well balanced for the price however, it is quite noticeable on the RF82s so thats why I avoided moving up the Klipsch product line.

The B&Ws on the other hand, are the complete opposite of the Klipschs, however they take it too far. To me, the mids on the B&W seem overemphasized, pushed forward, and at times vocals don't sound realistic. What I'm looking for is that same mid-range emphasis but a more full, lush sound.

What I did like about the Klipschs was the clarity from the Tractix horns. They didn't resolve as much detail as the B&Ws but they didn't make me cringe from the brightness either. To me they seemed like a good half way point. One thing I noted though was that the B&Ws are amazing for movies. I queued up the Quantom of Solace Blu-ray and the detail and impact with the cheap sub I have now is amazing at high volumes. This is the only area in which I really love these speakers however.

As far as new speakers go, I think I might go audition those Totems however I was also looking at a used pair of Von Schweikert VR-2s. The reviews seem to point to what I'm looking for but they sure are expensive for my budget! Do you think these speakers would match what I'm looking for?
I've always been interested in the Rainmakers and the other Totems, but they seem like such small speakers. That was one thing I disliked about my RB25s, they sounded relatively good but you could tell that they were small speakers as they lacked the soundstaging, imaging, and impact you get from larger floorstanders. Also would they be a good match for both home theater and music use? Since amplification has been brought up several times, will my Denon be enough to power them? I paid an arm and a leg for it and because of it's weight (55lbs) it would be relatively difficult to sell unless I find a local buyer.

BTW-Sorry for all the questions and thanks for the help!
Thanks guys, I've done some additional listening and found that another contributing problem is my source. Though adequate for the Klipsch's, the Sony SCD-CE595 isn't refined enough for the B&Ws. A lot of the brightness and glare is from the Sony. I think I'm going to purchase either a Denon universal or an old Theta DAC and maybe add a subwoofer around $350.