Dissapating static electricity

I have a cd player that is very sensitive to static electricity and it is becoming a problem. How can I eliminate this problem? Is the static electricity originating in the cd player, rack, or cd's? Or all three?
sean is absolutely right about the power of a static charge but it's not just digital stuff that's affected. several years ago, i blew out a board in a jrdg consummate pre with a touch of my finger. ouch! and ouch again! now, out of habit, i never touch any of my electronics without first dissapating myself (sounds kinda crude, doesn't it) with a touch to grounded metal.
I use a portable humidifier. I don't have any static problems when it's running. You also might want to pay attention to which shoes you're wearing(if any)...certain soles build up static more than others.
I lightly spray the carpet in my listening room with anti-static spray(designed for clothing) several times each week- it makes a big difference.
Yes, a humidifier will add enough moisture to the air to remove the static in the air and your carpet.