Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm

I am trying to do my due diligence about this arm. I am just having a hard time getting my head around this idea of zero overhang and no offset. Does this arm really work the way it is reported to do?


I'm not looking for a the " perfect " tonearm. The best way that in the begin the cartridgecan pick up as much recorded information from the groove modulations is that the stylus tip stays centered along the LP surface grooved and taking in count that premise/main target the LT is the best solution but not " perfect " and for me the second best are the pivot tonearm with off-set angle using the Löfgreen alignments.

So, according to you all those different AS mechanism used by tonearm designers do not helps in any way to that skating developed then all those designers are wrong.

What you like in your listen sessions has no matters because is a subjective opinion that proves nothing but that you like it.

Be a little objective and please give us the best tonearm over the LT that helps the cartridge to its stylus tip stays centered as I said. Easy for you but not for me. Any one?



It would seem to me that the skating force does much more to prevent the stylus from being “centered in the groove” than TAE. AS is all we have to counter skating but AS can only be correct at one or two moments of play, because it’s constant in magnitude and direction whereas skating is inconstant and variable in direction. Plus it’s applied near the pivot, whereas skating occurs at the stylus. This puts a twist force on the cantilever. But you know all this already.

As Lew points out, AS is set by the user at a constant magnitude.

Those who successfully opened the Youtube link I posted (the second one) will, I  suspect, be surprised at the significant variability of stylus drag, and at times, its "violence". Trying to negate the skating force that this creates with a constant magnitude counter force at the other end of the arm would seem to me to be an exercise in futility. How much stylus misalignment and hence distortion, stylus drag causes, is perhaps the key question along with what these nasty forces are doing to the cartridge's inner workings. 


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Dear friends : Please read this measured fact:


26 tons of pressure per square inch at the cartridge stylus tip during its ridding "