
recently while doing my usual shopping at borders for music i came across this artist on his new cd titled
"east/west"done live at the village vanguard in n.y. and live direct to 2 track at yoshis in oakland cal. all songs on this value packed 2 disc cd are between 4 and 15 minutes long with the exception of 2 or 3. this is one greatly satisfying disc.i largly grew up listening to classic rock {still do}but have since branched into other areas like jazz both classic and contemperary,some country and r&b, even classical. in the last year ive upgraded my integrated home theatre/2 channel system adding all plinius electronics: sa 102s in dual mono-overkill? na , once you hear these in this configuration theres no going back {imho}along with theyre m8 pre-amp.p8 for center channel duties finally my sa 100mk111 on surrounds. my dac is a kora hermes w/1964nos mullards /and magnum dyna.102 with t/r...its artists like this that help bring satisfaction to my purchases as its really all about the music.other great finds in the last year; mark knopfler ,lucinda williams and jerry douglass on dobro, steel guitar sounding particularly beautiful...anyhow any of you folks "discovered" any good new artists in the last year?

Showing 2 responses by timothywas1

Interesting stuff Qdrone ill check into this artist and yeah the blues are great!By the way my fault for not listing the artists name above is Bill Frisell, aparently hes been around since 1989 and his music is superb... ive actually taken a financial hit and ordered his whole catalog!!Im actually a pretty big F.Mac fan, so im going to look for this Peter Green Splinter Group cd.Once again this is a great hobby,assembling sound systems to ones personal tastes, but the "purpose" is and should always be about the music... i almost forgot that in my "pursuit".

Thanks Qdrone well put that thought in action in the future, Saving money on music just stretches THAT dollar further on more music for the SAME dollar. makes cents to me...regards