Discovered I had a One Step pressing....from 1978!

STC records apparently discovered one step pressings in 1978. The cover (see attached images) touts “introducing the Direct Pressed Disc. One step closer than direct cut.”
Anyone know of other one step pressings previous to the current MoFi’s?


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I listened to it yesterday for the first time.  Really nice sound but was not one of l my favorites.  
Have you listened to any one step pressings? Most are of older records so hard to gauge how much info could really be put on disc in this manner. I know it’s unlikely to be able to compare a tape generation with a pressing generation, but the reality of direct to disc is extremely limiting, not practical for performers or labels, and while the results can be outstanding, it is sort of a gimmick.

One steps are practical in that any master can be used, and there isn’t a limit to number of pressings, as there would be in direct to disc (or the need to make more pressings from a stamper than would be ideal)
Agreed that many older recordings sound good but the master tapes do age, and that's what the one steps seem to be using.