Discounts vs. Agon listings

I did a simple favor for a distributor. In kind, they offered me a 20% discount on any new product they sell. I'm looking to get back into vinyl in a small way, and I've had my eye on a VPI scout (this company offers most other well known turntables; Rega, Thorens, Marantz, Avid, Clearaudio, Mitchell, ect.) . My question is, when considering that the VPI's new, 1800 retail price falls to 1460, is this a good enough discount, or is searching the Agon listings a better bet for finding a decent, used turntable?

My equipment is Quicksilver V4 monos and linestage pre with Thiel 1.5s. Another has a Sophia Electric EL34 driving Sililoquy 2a3s. I know I'll need a phono pre, disc washer, cartridges, etc., but I'd rather get the biggest obstacle out of the way first.

Thanks for any help.

Showing 1 response by tarsando

Base your decision on whether you want the vpi turntable and whether you can afford the discounted price. For me, even though I buy almost all my stuff on the Gon, a new turntable at a decent price is a better bet than a used turntable (whose real condition you won't know until it's too late) at a lower price. Good luck.