Disappointing audition after great review

Ok, so I read the hi fi mags, in print and on line. I recently read a glowing review of speakers retailing in excess of $10,000. Then I found a dealer with the speakers on display. After listening I came away thinking what wa stat reviewer thinking? Also recently I tried a pair of headphones. Read a glowing review which touted its sonic quality and noted although they were heavy, they were comfortable to wear, even for hours. So I tried those headphones. After 5 minutes I could not wait to get them off.

Makes me wonder- are the reviews little more than shill ads? Sometime I think so.

On the other hand, there is one long time reviewer who seems to hear pretty much what I do. What he likes I like.

What's been your experience?

Showing 1 response by jafreeman

If I listened to reviewers, I wouldn't like half the music and movies I like. People who write reviews cannot help but compare their subjects to the movies, music, books, etc, that they themselves have liked. Audio reviewers are prone to biases, as well, as are we all. Reviewers in any category are trying to make a living, usually as writers, who need to offer insight and turn a catchy phrase. I like reading reviewers more for their writing talent than their judgments.