Disappointing Albums of 2012

So far (in the order of disappointment) from Jan 1, 2012 - Jun 10, 2012 are:

1. Great Lake Swimmers - New Wild Everywhere
2. Kathleen Edwards - Voyageur
3. Lucero - (giving up on these guys after this debacle. This one is way worse than "1372 Overton Park")
4. Neil Young and Crazy Horse - Americana (Comparing it to NEW MULTITUDES beautiful interpretations of unpublished WG songs these "re-interpretations" sound less like new interpretations and more like Neil just droning on singing the songs we all (american kids) hated to sing (speaking for myself).
5. Bruce Springsteen - Wrecking Ball (time to take a break Boss. Last 3 albums have been big disappointments. Bye Bruce...)
6. Joe Walsh - Analog Man (he's rippin off his own guitar licks)
7. Van Halen - A Different Kind of Truth (Yeah they still suck)

Showing 1 response by chervokas

I agree with those who say Wrecking Ball is excellent; I also loved Magic and thought Working on a Dream had it's moments. I actually thing Springsteen's been on a bit of a late career run a la Dylan post-Time out of Mind. Haven't heard all the other albums the OP was disappointed with, or, say with something like the Van Halen album, I had no expectation that it would be interesting, but what I've heard of Americana sounds good and I love the concept of the album. Different strokes I guess.