Direct sunlight on rear projection HDTV

Does anybody know if direct sunlight entering via a nearby window will cause any long term damage to rear projection HDTV screen.



Showing 1 response by makisupa

The orginal poster's TV (all HDTV's I have ever seen) uses a lenticular screen (underneath the glare producer -- oh I mean the protective screen). A lenticular screen will not pass very much light back through it (as opposed to how the TV works -- light reflecting off the mirror and through the screen). Furthermore, even if light did pass back through it there is very little inside to damage (this amount of sunlight is not going to harm the CRT's).

I would be concerned about 2 things. The TV is probably made of MDF. Depending on the finish, this material will fade over time. Secondly, your not going to be able view the TV properly in any room with that much light.

Hope this was helpful...