Direct sales (online) and international distribution. What a... schiit?

Well, it's time to change "a la Amzon": all must be online. Click your mouse and be ready to wait knocking on your main door with the device.
I've read about PS audio -for example- a very BIG one and other not so big like "Schiit audio", one of the last they have opened the "online store".
But, as a customer it's not like to buy with "the experts"... and you can have a bad surprise all because "someone" has NOT an idea about marketing, international trading and so on.

My (EU) example, with the "Schit" (audio)

They are ready to sell worldwide; it's very fast and simple: choose your device with optional, add shipping and...
the phone call from your border police (custom) asking VAT and fees. End.
But, I discovered (only after...) that the Italian (EU) distributor sell the same gear VAT and shipping INCLUDED for about 25% less! (Twentyfive!)

So... where are the "hint"... "bonus" to buy direct? Why they did not warned me to buy from their official distributor?
Note that 25% more for the same product with VAT and fees, shipping, included, too. Both of them.

Have you a story to share like this one?
Watch out for rip-offs... after the Paypal has charged them... it's gone your money and the usual trite and hackneyed story of returning the product is...schit, in 2019 and almost 2020, because custom and VAT will never come back in your pocket.



P.S. sorry for my bad English, not helped by Google I must confess.


Showing 1 response by gianlucanegro

Thanks so much for your feedback...
Well, I'm not here to debate about the S.Q. of the Schiit products, in fact I wrote to them ALSO that I'm very satisfied about their devices, no doubt!
But... the marketing is something else, and it has its rules whether you sell potatoes or space suits.
I certainly don't want to do a lesson here, but at least 2 things:
there must always be a list of discount if you use distributors and sales representatives (salesmen) so that they (prices) are aligned with the producer prices because it is absurd at the manufacturer it cost more than to buy from the other end of the world.
Second, "transparency" and "seriousness of sale" also means NOT giving general answers and clichés ...
"Send it back and we'll give you the money back" says the baker to his regular customer, not to the customer who buys online at 10 thousand miles from the factory and pays transport and duties and VAT.