Direct Heated Triode Tube DAC by Allnic Audio Labs

The New Allnic D5000 DHT tube dac is finally available world wide. I have been a huge fan of Allnic since my introduction to them two years ago by John Wright, former engineer for Ed Meitner. I recently became familiar with Direct Heated Triode tubes with the purchase of a used Allnic L5000 Linestage (preamp) which lists for $23K. So my heart leapt like a gazelle when I heard this was in production.

I have not myself heard the D5000 yet but expect to in the near future. However, I am very impressed with Waversa Systems digital architecture design. Most of the components are custom designed for this application. I believe the designer offers a fresh perspective and addresses areas where other dac designs fall short. Most important to me is complete galvanic isolation of the USB input which eliminates noise from the switch power supply of source components. This will likely negate the sonic benefit of my custom ten-rail linear power supply designed by Paul Hynes ($5000). But this alone to me makes their dac competitively priced, given the potential front end savings. I will also perform a USB cable comparison to determine any sonic benefit between a range of cables, including my $1600 Vertere Pulse-R USB 1.5 meter cable.

The analog output uses a fully balanced circuit from input to output with no coupling capacitors, only all pure nickel permalloy cored transformers. Each channel uses twin 3A5(DCC90) DHT tubes. The DHT 3A5 amp’s frequency range is from 20 Hz to 50 kHz (-3dB) with a perfect square wave form of 20 kHz. 3A5 tubes operate at a very low temperature that ensures long tube life. The circuit displays no negative feedback, not even a partial feedback. This design has absolutely no microphonic issues, which is the biggest obstacle to DHT realization. KS Park’s design resolved this issue through a newly designed 7-pin gel damper socket. In addition, the main PCB is floated with a drum rubber specific for this application. High S/N ratio and dynamic operation is achieved through full tube designed automatic voltage regulation which protects the DHT amp from both internal and outside voltage irregularities. The front panel displays a current meter which monitors safe operation and status of the tubes.

The D5000 is very unique in today’s DAC world because most of its components are not from any routine audio market source except the DAC chips. The USB interface, SPDIF receiver and high end upsamplers are all specifically customized for this application. D5000 uses very unique technologies for audio signal processing. The clock does not directly connect to the DAC chip. Instead, the audio processor uses clock alignment algorithms that determine exact alignment for the DAC chip in a real-time manner. The ES9018K2M SABRE 32 Reference DAC chip is a high performance 32-bit, 2-channel audio D/A converter with sampling to 32/384 kHz, 128 DSD and uses a 1.5 MHz upsampler through a field-programmable gate array USB interface.

While most ES9018K based DACs use the dac chip for audio processing, the D5000 has a proprietary internal processor that performs real time PCM upsampling or upsampling and conversion to DSD. The SABRE Reference DAC chip only performs the digital to analog conversion.

Real-time PCM to DSD conversion function is implemented when “conversion” is selected. All input samples are converted to 128 DSD with an internal 5.6 MHz/32 Bit upsampler and DSD converter. When de-selected, input audio sampling is either upsampled, if selected, or bypassed to the DAC chip.

The USB interface is implemented through custom hardware by Waversa Systems and is UAC2 standard compliant. This provides very clean audio through complete galvanic isolation, thereby stripping the digital signal of any PC noise commonly created by the server’s internal power supply. Thesycon driver is provided for Windows application. Drivers are not required for Mac/Linux.

I2S input will be provided in the near future. This separate system will be connected to DAC by a proprietary method through the AES port and provide not only PCM but also DSD. This system has the capability to support extreme upsample and cross conversion between DSD and PCM. Details will be published on a future date.

Every source component has a word clock that sends an impulse to the D/A converter ‘x’ times per second triggering it to take a sample -- this becomes the sampling rate. The precision of this clock determines accuracy of the conversion process which is essential to avoid frequency drift between the internal oscillators of the device. The D5000 frame clock provides synchronization information to the outside device allowing it to precisely match the D5000 MEMS clock. If word clock input is provided then the D5000 internal system will use word clock for playback. By providing an exact data rate, data overrun or underrun are avoided and this reduced jitter creates clearer transients, pronounced attack, crisp inner detail in the higher frequencies and overall improved stereo image.

Unlike the EMM DAC2x which uses a Service USB, firmware updates are completed through the USB input designated for music data using a special interface unique to Waversa Systems.


2 Coax
1 Toslink


Balanced XLR

Analog Specifications:

1) Output RMS voltage: 2.5V
2) Output impedance: 150 ohms constant
3) Frequency range: 20 Hz-20 KHz flat
4) THD: less than 0.1%
5) Tubes: DHT: 3A5 X4; Tube-based internal power supply: 7233X1, 5654X1
6) Dimension: 430mm, 290mm, 150mm (W, D, H: 17", 7.4", 6")
7) Weight: 9.2 Kg
8) Power consumption: 23W /230/50Hz Or 23W/120V/60Hz for North America.

Digital Specifications:

1) Toslink Sampling limit 96 kHz (Note: In case of TOSLINK, some devices will work correctly with D5000 at any rate. This depends on the signal quality of the transport.)
2) AES/EBU and Coax sampling limit 192 kHz (if the source is SPDIF standard compliant). Higher sampling rates have been demonstrated with some source components.
3) USB Sampling limit 384 kHz, DSD128
4) USB Input Custom USB Audio Interface design with Cypress FX2/FPGA
5) DAC Dual Mono/Mono ES9018K-2M Reference Audio DAC
6) Word Clock: Clock Reference Output, Clock Reference Input
7) DSD Conversion FPGA Based DSD Converter: PCM to input DSD128
8) Upsampling FPGA Based Upsampler: Up to 384 KHz
9) Mac OSX 10.6, Linux OS with UAC2, Windows OS (Thesycon Driver)

List Price: $11,900 USD.

Contact your regional Allnic dealer or Allnic international distributer David Beetles at

Hammertone Audio
252 Magic Drive
Kelowna, British Columbia
Canada V1V 1N2

Contact Person: DAVID BEETLES
Office Phone: 250.862.9037

Disclaimer: I have no professional relationship or financial interest with Allnic Audio Labs.

Please post your experience with this dac or any questions regarding the summary itself.

Showing 11 responses by agear

Ketcham, thanks for the detailed prelude. Sounds like some serious thought and engineering went into this dac.
Not sure if the ECB is doing a bad job. Turning on the printing press means you are not facing the real issues just postponing what needs to be done.

On the surface, neither the ECB or Fed are doing a good job. On another level, everything is going swimmingly. You break a nations spine not by invasion but via $$$.
Ketcham, where do you live exactly? There are 7s in Cali, NY, and NC at this point. I think there are a few in the midwest as well....

Look forward to hearing your impressions of the Allnic. I am sure it will be fab....
Bigkidz, tell us about your design (tubes used) and what if anything is proprietary ....
09-07-14: Socfan12
Thx, Agear. I've heard good things of the Auralic Vega, and I believe Stereophile's review of it earlier this year compared it against the DCS stack. To my ears, the Allnic sounds more like analog than any other DAC I've heard. Most DACs won't stop me in my tracks but this one did. It may not be everyone's cuppa, but worthy of an audition if you are in this price range.

I was actually referring to the Auralic Aries which is their WiFi streamer. I own the Lampizator L7 which is in the same neighborhood as the Allnic. Actually, Lucas has been using DHTs in dacs for some time. Mine uses EML45s as output tubes.
09-10-14: Socfan12
Thx, winson, agear, I stand corrected. :-)

Agear, have you heard the Allnic? Any comparisons to your Lampi 7?


I have not but it would be fun to do so. The tube complement used is VERY different. I think someone in NJ has both an Allnic and L4 or 5. Again, the 7 (and presumably the Allnic) brings an analog fluidity to digital that is normally spikey and discontinuous (to my ear). I am no longer pining away for a turntable...enjoy!
Excellent and detailed review as usual. Wine is indeed a good analogy when referring to upper tier dacs. Most digital (tubed or not) still falls somewhat short (IMO) when it comes to recreating the dynamic elasticity and ease of good analog (tape or vinyl). At a recent AE show in Hong Kong an almost 7 figure system was demoed that included the new Trinity dac (50-60K) which is considered the current best of the best. When they switched to vinyl, many muttered in the audience that the music had arrived. Many people still feel/hear this discrepancy and thus digital struggles onwards. I still wonder what is still missing? Is it at the transport level? Grounding? Conditioning and other "noise" interventions? I don't know.

Good for Sunil for offering an in-home demo. A lot of dac manufacturers don't have the balls to do that. Have you talked to him about the Scaena mainframe server? That is on my radar. My gut is that the transport is more important than we think and needs all the neurotic attention that people give a turntable platter.

08-08-14: Mordante
What is the purpose of tubes in DACs or any digital source?

A cynic would say embellishment. I would be interested in any technical logic for their presence....
09-05-14: Socfan12
Hi Joecasey,

Believe it or not, I'm using my lowly modified Sonos media player. Yes, I know this is far from optimal, but it allows me test drive the Allnic with what I have. My other DAC is a streamer, so ethernet direct to DAC, no media player necessary.

Anyway, yes, I've read there are issues with the BDP2 interfacing with the Allnic DAC. As of yet, they haven't determined whether it's an Allnic or Bryston issue. In either case, I also believe it was only with higher sampling rates that the interfaces became an issue, but I'm not 100% certain of that. In either case, I think the problem should be solvable with a firmware update, on either side. Or so I hope.

I've been a SS guy all my life. This is my first foray into tubes. I am very impressed with the Allnic DAC and there's a good chance Sunil will not get the DAC back! ;-)

You owe yourself an Auralic Aries....from one streamer to another....
09-14-14: Socfan12
Agear, winson, thanks for the heads up on the Auralic Aries. Interesting unit, and not a bad price at all. And turns out my dealer sells them (thought he had Aurender, not Auralic!).

Back to topic.

I made a PC change to the D5000 and the sound is even better than before. More relaxed, more resolved, but still that wonderful body and texture that makes the music so involving. The D5000 definitely seems sensitive to PCs and think I found one that works very well with it.

Allen, you will find that despite the magic dac du jour in place, you still have to do your due diligence upstream. Most dacs are not impervious to the chosen transport. The engineering is not quite there. The Aries is very good for the money and appears to be be competitive with CAPS or modded Minis. A true, audio-grade non-DIY is still best IMO. I have read good things about the Antipodes. Lampizator is also working on a new streamer which I am considering....