Direct Drive turntables

I have been using belt drive tt's. I see some tt's around using direct drive and they are by far not as common as belt drive ones. Can someone enlighten me what are the pros and cons of direct drive vs belt drive on the sound? and why there are so few of direct drive tt's out there?

Showing 2 responses by stiltskin

Lew, TTW do look interesting and are located to the south of where I live ,sometime into the New Year I plan on a visit for a look & listen.

Dertonarm your point about platter mass on this Denon Cotter table, could a re-fit platter with a much heavier design work without damage or modify the existing platter in some other way?
Also when do you plan on releasing your turntable onto the market?

One final question, anyone here Albert Porters Panzerholz plinth design?
Raul your comments above 1-8-10 ending with Shame of us and Shame of industry we have ( with exceptions )

The burden of blame for promoted WAY over priced mediocre junk rests with the typical consumer involved in this hobby.

Of course slick marketing and promotion through the audio media helped steer this hobby where it is today.... They know the typical customer and know them well.

Just being a designer of any said component or reviewer certainly means nothing if you can't hear in the first place. However with the right distributor and other industry types your product will sell even at an highly inflated price....

Most certainly! there are exceptions to this.