Dipping my toe into analog

All guidance will be appreciated. Now that I am happy with my redbook based system, I am thinking of trying analog. I just want to start simple and then if it grabs me I will invest over time.
I have hundreds of old albums most in great shape. I have a not-working Thorens TD 180 Turntable with a Stanton 500MkIII cartridge. My questions: Is the Thorens worth repairing - I think I paid about $800-$1,000 for it many years ago? Can anyone recommend a cheap used or new phono amp for my test run - perhaps one available now on Audiogon? Any other suggestions to help enter the inner sanctum sucessfully?

Showing 2 responses by gammajo

Only took $35 to fix the Thorens - loose diode. Can anyone tell me what has improved in turntable design in recent years. Is it less wow and flutter, improved dynamic range or what? Interested in what I might expect to hear.
I thank each of you for your responses. They will help me along my way. Right now the Thorens is in the shop to see what it needs.