Dimming extremely bright and annoying LEDs


I have a line conditioner with awfully bright indicator LEDs. Any ideas, short of replacing them, on how to dim them some?


For what ever it's worth, in the past I've cut a piece of cardboard to match the size and shape of the offending face plate and attached black velvet to it. Prop it up when I need to, pull it down when I need to.


Red, Blue, or Black the most common. You can control the darkness (brightness to the LED)through layers of coating, not to mention that you can combine colors to create what you want. What about removing them later you say? For a glass or plastic surface(LED,etc),use ISP(isoprophyl alcohol) on a soft cloth or cotton ball. For paper like material...you're on your own. It is definitely permanent on paper products!!!!

hope this helps
Arcam: You sound like my business partner. He keeps preaching the same "LED's last forever" or "LED's never burn out", yet i keep replacing them or seeing them burned out on units coming in on a daily basis. While i know that newer technology LED's are lasting a LONG time, some do fail. This is besides the fact that some engineers don't know what they are doing and the LED's aren't being fed power in the most optimum manner. Sometimes it's not the parts' fault that it failed, but that of the engineer that doesn't know how to design proper support circuitry. Sean
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