Digitizing LPs: General advice wanted

Hi everyone,
I will soon set out to digitize a LOT of LPs.
And given the extensive labor that will involved, I DESPERATELY want to do it right the FIRST time :-).
btw, I am solely concerned with the recording process, as playback issues may always be addressed later.

At this point, I only know that I want to record at a minimum of 24/96 with a PLANAR 3 turntable.

As everything else is undetermined, I am looking for some general advice.
Should I use a PC or an digital recorder ?
If a PC, should I use an INTERNAL sound card or a USB sound card (so as to minimize RF nose) ?
If a digital-recorder, are there any that will record at 24/96 ?
And can they easily share files with a PC (for use with editing software, etc) ?

Any other advice, pitfals, or experiences to share ?

Many thanks for any advice you may offer :-).

How would the computer access both hard drives, almost concurrently, to record and store the music being copied from vinyl? I know how to do disk to disk copying but cannot figure out your suggestion.
Your computer OS will automatically handle the accessing of multiple hard drives. All the user has to do is specify, via software, where the music files are to be stored.

Thanks. You response is obvious. I will just have to make sure that option with my recording software. I am cautious because a "computer expert" installed the second drive and some software that was supppose to allow "dual boot up option"- XP or 98- by pressing one key at start-up. It has never worked but I did get a big bill. So, whenever I read about a procedure that I have never done, I ask for clarification.
Of course the simple thing to do is put your LPs onto tape cassettes, using a really good recorder.

The only real advantage of digital recording is that you can have a lot of fun on your computer, fixing pops, scratches and other LP woes. If you are not interested in becoming a computer geek, don't bother with digital.
I agree that copying to cassettes is simple and easier. In the 60's and 70's I made dozens of cassettes from LP's and "all music" FM stations. Those cassettes have long since died.

My LP's are 20-40 years old. Most have not been re-issued on CD. So, to preserve the music of my younger days, making CD's seem to be the best option at this time.