Digital versus Vinyl - Grinnell College Review

Thinking about the appeal of Vinyl myself, but; currently have a digital only rig. I found this to be a very informative overview of the differences between Digital (CD's/Streaming) and Vinyl Record playback. Also inclined to give credibility to the subject knowing it was authored students with no apparent bias.


Showing 2 responses by phasecorrect

Somewhat tired debate that will go on indefinitely. Really about the convenience of digital vs purity of vinyl. Both have merits.

I have an upper midfi universal player from years ago that sounds plenty good enough for me. I don't feel compelled to upgrade to a pricey, esoteric, "boutique" product that offers marginal improvement. That being said, higher end products are generally more reliable. All in all, I am content knowing that roughly 1% have a better player, and I'm OK with that!