Digital streaming/library

I have purchased a rather substantial 2 channel audio system, and two of the components are a streamer and an audio nas...a melco. I want to build a digital music library. I would love to have the hd level tracks, but the downloads are so expensive. I already have thousands of lps, and thousands of cds. I have iTunes, and it (and rhapsody) allow you to download tracks into your computer...but they are not cd quality. I have a streamer, and I could get the tidal or deezer hi res subscriptions, but do they allow you to download tracks into your computer/nas drive for a digital library?

Showing 9 responses by easola01

Also, yes I can download itunes for a library, but it is in, I believe, 256kbps...not even mp3! If I want 16/44.1 music library, how can I get it? Hopefully through tidal or deezer
I don't understand kijanki. First you say to setup audio core, and then you say avoid audio core? I am brand new at this, so my understanding is very limited. you can download music files from tidal for a personal music library?
Well, I guess I will have to stick with itunes then. With itunes, you can download tracks/albums right into your storage device. Rhapsody too. I was hoping to get better resolution than the 256kbps from itunes, but okay!
Okay thank you kijanki, but I am wanting to build a library from what will be a boatload of music I do not possess in cd I don't possess and music I haven't heard yet but will while I am browsing my streaming. I am just surprised that, given the fact that one can build a library with itunes and rhapsody, both which are lossy, that there is no comparable way to do the same and build a library in lossless files?
Thank you for your input kijanki. I must confess, your informed advice is above my head, but I want to do things right. Since it seems I am unable to build a lossless library from tidal or deezer, maybe I will do what cds I have your way. 

So what do I do...are you saying I need to get this audio media, and that alone will convert cds to library from itunes to my storage as 16/44.1? Sorry, I need baby steps here
Okay. I have read that flac is the way to go for metadata and sound quality combined. Is AIFF as good and thorough for metadata as flac do you think? If not, I may have to go another way
Wow, twice the space. That would be like a wav file. Maybe aiff is lossless. Thank you for advice kijanki. look into. Hope they have a good selection! Thanks
Okay, I am now a bit confused. I read that tidal allows you to download tracks for offline listening. Isn't that a way to build a music library? If you can download for offline listening...I don't understand why that wouldn't be a music library. Does anyone have experience with tidal on this? Thanks