Digital media server/players for a Skeptic?

I have all my music on a windows pc running itunes.  I mainly use airplay to listen on my apple TV connected to my receiver.  I then often use an ipad to change tunes and such.  My receiver also has airplay and sometimes I use that but can't really tell any difference between it and itunes. 

I do hate itunes though.  Slow, crashes a lot, hard to really manage a lot of files (~35,000 songs).  My music is mostly coded using whatever the highest rates of MP3 are. VBR 320 or something.  And I've given up on the various tools that try to fill in missing tags.

My current system is Ascend Sierra 2 mains, orb sides, Marantz 5009 receiver, Rega TT, nad preamp, nad cd player.  I will probably upgrade the marantz next year.  Don't even ask me about my interconnects.  I am not a belieber in the audio hoodoo. I use good cheap wire and cables.

So how much sound quality difference and usability/convenience do some of these music servers, decoders, whatever the heck they are really offer over using apple TV? 



Showing 3 responses by sbank

With all due respect, honestly it sounds like this isn't the hobby for you. You sound like nothing is worth the trouble. With audio the devil is in the details. If you don't believe in "all the audio hoodoo", don't even bother to understand what format your digital music is in, then what point would it make for anyone to try to give you advice about the differences between various server solutions? What good would a nice server do for you if you won't even be able to sort through your untagged library? I am sure you won't be happy to hear what most here think of mp3 sound quality.
If you want to learn how to tag your files, there's plenty of assistance here. Same with understanding file formats for iOS, windows, etc. Hell, we could spend all day debating the definition of "good, cheap wire", but it probably isn't worth your time.
Sorry to be so callous, but I am being honest.  Cheers,
Since you sound enthusiastic about Linux servers, etc. check out Raspberry Pi 3 an incredible non-profit project that has evolved into a whole community etc. Computer audiophile has many discussions on it in the context you would want. NAS/storage, Pi as server and some options with dad built-in. $35- 75, no I'm not kidding! Cheers,
Whether it's Pi, microRendu(my fav, but $650 + power supply cost) or other server, in most cases you will want to rip the music files to a NAS and send the digital output of the server/streamer to a separate dac. Yes, you can get a cheap built-in sac on Pi or many other low cost servers but as many have suggested, a separate dac is going to give you much better sonics and ability to upgrade/change later without having to  change the server.
Some servers have internal hard disc that can store a fair amount, but many have argued(including me) that putting the files on a NAS in another room and connecting ideally via ethernet is generally the way to go. Top $ Aurenders being an exception. Cheers,