Digital isolation between Ethernet hub and streamer

This very inexpensive little box  connects between you ethernet hub and the streamer  it truly works and not expensive, check it out


Showing 4 responses by luvtubes69

They work for some and for others not so much. Kind of like power cables and the like.  Don't be a binary thinker (cuts both ways) and just disqualify the product or people's position on that given product, positive or negative. 

For you and your system. @audphile1 for others that is not the case.

Interested to know what FMC and FSP’s you used in your trial. I had the exact opposite experience but then again my network only has 2 meters of copper in it. And I use quality FMC and rolled FSP's to find the right combo. My entire house is fiber and our town is all fiber.


I have tried:

1. Network Acoustics Eno Streaming System. Did it do something ? Yes! It smoothed out dynamics, tamed the highs and relaxed the mids. Soundstage collapsed. None of the effects were desirable and I sold it

2. Fiber optic conversion - adds glassy and cold character. Didn’t mike it

3. iFi LAN iSilencer - made zero difference or if it did make a difference I can’t hear it. Because it does no harm I left it in my system

Other than using the best possible Ethernet cable and keeping your network components out of your system and plugged into a different circuit, there’s nothing else to do with Ethernet.

@audphile1 usually the cheap stuff like the Amazon offers is not going to make a positive impact.  At least you tried, the wrong stuff but you tried. Like I did with PC and they did nothing. 


@fastfreight  He has 2 next level switches with the EE 8 and the Q-base. 

@audphile1  Not what I said but okay. Could same the same about your system slick. Considering you used $200.00 worth of switch gear.