Digital Interconnects

What is your favorite digital I/C ?? Thanx in advance

Showing 3 responses by jose21

AZ MC2(actually for about a year now). But I should be getting the Virtual Dynamics Nite in a few days. Can't wait to see how that goes.
Yeah, I'm still waiting for the darn thing. It's been almost a month.
How do you like the Audition interconnects? Had them in my system about a year ago but felt the Stealths were a little "faster". Only burned them in about 10 days or so. Thinking of trying them again, or maybe the Signatures. The Nites are just tooooooo expensive and I'm afraid to demo them.
Sorry to everyone, but I don't mean to hijack the thread....

After trying the VD Nite, Stealth Varidig, Nordost Silver Shadow, Illuminations Orchid, HT Magic One, Siltech G3 all within the last month, I'm going back to and staying with the Acoustic Zen MC2 XLRs.