Digital Cable from Transport to Dac

I'm using a Proceed transport MkIII and a Proceed D/A MkIII with a balanced Transparent Audio interlink between them. My question to you Audiophiles is what method of inter-connect sounds best and why? Given the fact that both of my units have all 4 connection types, what experiences have you all had in listening to the other 3 types of inter-connect ???? I am open minded to any suggestions and willing to buy someones cable if they are selling one with good intentions. Input is really appreciated. Krellpower1

Showing 1 response by goldorak

I will give you my 2 cents worth of advice. I own Wadia 8 transport and 15 processor and also have the 4 inputs. I have found through extensive comparative listening and also with the help of my local audiophile club, that the glass optical (ST type or AT&T) is the smoothest most analog connection. It is followed closely by single ended 75 Ohm BNC to BNC SPDIF connection. Further away is the 110 Ohm XLR AES-EBU and the last by far is the plastic optical (Toslink) that has internal reflections that induce a kind of jitter.